August 9, 2011


Tomorrow I begin my first treatment of Rituxan to fight a very rare cancer in the bone marrow called Waldenstrom’s.

Here is what I want to say from the depth of every cell within my being, I know that I am already in the process of being healed. I have seen it in the way my body has begun to heal over the past few weeks which was prior to any diagnosis or medication.

I also know that sickness, disease, or illness of any kind, is not caused by God, nor is it God’s will. It only takes reading into the third chapter of Genesis in the Bible or Torah, to see that the devil was lurking in the Garden of Eden. His main objective was to trick Adam and Eve so they would choose to listen to his words over God’s Word. Consequently, we have all been affected by what has been called “The Fall”. The world we live in today with all of its sickness, disease, and sin originated with Satan. But, God is love, and it is always His will to love and to heal. So, for this reason, God sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice in atonement for that fall. And because Jesus died and was raised from the dead, we can also experience His love and healing if we choose to believe in what He says.

Jesus says in Mark 11:22-24 that we are to have faith in God. Jesus says, “I assure you that you can say to this mountain, ‘May God lift you up and throw you in to the sea,’ and your command will be obeyed. All that is required is that you really believe and not doubt in your heart. Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it.”

To have faith in God, means to believe in God. Right now the mountain in my life is called cancer. I am speaking to that cancer and telling it that God is lifting it up and out of me and throwing it into the sea! I do not doubt that God is doing this for me. I believe in Him! I listen to what my Lord says in His Word. I also know that prayers get answered in many different ways and at many different times. God may not answer my prayers my way, but I have learned that He always answers them!

Please pray for my COMPLETE healing, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. Ask that the blood of Jesus cleanse my blood. May His love flow through me to then touch all of you.

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