“STUBBORN!” That’s what I said last week to my Rituxan buddy Val, and Sara my nurse, as repeated attempts were made to get an open vein for my infusion and blood levels. I thought about all the years I have spent in being stubborn and how it has flowed through my blood and veins.
As I pondered on that word stubborn, I was taken back to a memory that took place 15 years ago as it related to the history I had of repeated kidney stone attacks. Going back to that memory symbolized a crucial turning point in my spiritual training as a nurse. I had spent years learning and then teaching about the physical cause for symptoms of disease and illness, but now God would begin to teach me about the spiritual cause or root for those same symptoms.
Kidney stones are hard and stubborn. And from a spiritual perspective, God would constantly take me to the story of Jonah and the whale to teach me what I needed to learn and process about my own stubborn and hard willed nature. Jonah was the epitome of being hard and stubborn. He didn’t want to do what he was told to do, especially when the instruction came from God. I find it so amusing that my little granddaughter, GG (Georgia Grace), loves Jonah and the whale more than any other Bible story, and just recently it “randomly” came up when I was reading a bible story to Grant, my grandson. Remember, there are no accidents just God incidences.
Though I have experienced much growth and healing when it comes to my own stubborn and hardheaded will, I have also learned that recovery from anything is a life long process. It is often slow, gradual, purposeful, and asks us to be watchful and waitful. So, here I am again as God uses my blood and veins to get my attention about being stubborn. What new information will I learn this time?
When I reflect on how long hardness and stubbornness have been around, I go back to its root in Genesis 3 where Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden and they choose to not listen to the voice of God. They chose to listen to a different voice with a different direction, so they ate the one and only fruit that God had forbidden them to eat. Why were they forbidden? Well, first of all, God knew more than they did, and secondly, because He was their Father, who loved them. He wanted to protect them from what He knew would hurt them. That hurt was known as evil and God did not want them to experience anything but His goodness.
You see, God did not design us out of a need for us to be robots. He wanted us to choose whether we wanted to be in a loving relationship with Him or not. God is love and God made us with the free will to choose Him and His love or to reject it.
Adam and Eve had a choice. When they heard the voice that was different than God’s, they chose to follow that other voice. Consequently, they ate the fruit and suddenly they experienced what God did not want them to find out - the evil and hurt that comes from sin, disease, sickness, natural disasters, poverty, and death. You know them all too well.
As I reflected on the word stubborn, I began to hear and see the word rest everywhere I turned. It would be in conversations that I had with many of you. I would hear it in your voice mail messages or see it in your texts and cards.
As these two words, "stubborn" and "rest", kept coming together and resonating in my head, there was this constant theme that also kept rising up from God’s Word. It started with a text from my friend Billy, and from there it got reinforced in two of my devotions and a Sunday sermon.
Here are the scriptures I kept hearing and seeing and the ONE theme that they all conveyed:
1. "If only you would listen to his voice today! The Lord says do not harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did in Massah in the wilderness." Psalm 95:8
2. "That is why the Holy Spirit says, 'Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled when they tested me in the wilderness.' ” Hebrews 3:7-8
3. “Today when you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when They rebelled.” Hebrews 3:15
4. "Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts." Hebrews 4:7
When you study, research, and meditate on the story that surrounds Psalm 95, the Promised Land was the gift of rest for the Israelites. It was a choice. Do I choose to listen to God’s voice and do what He says to enter into His rest? Or do I choose to disobey His voice and not enter His rest and be stubborn? Not everyone entered The Promised Land since they refused to do what God said. To enter God’s place of rest, The Promised Land, it meant to listen to and obey God.
When you study, research, and meditate on the story of Hebrews 3 and 4, you come to understand that God’s promise of rest still stands. God’s message on rest will NEVER change. For the Hebrews it meant that they believe what God said. Only those who believe what God says, can enter into God’s rest. WARNING: The voice that needs to be followed is God’s.
Webster defines stubborn as:
1. Unreasonable
2. Unyielding
3. Difficult to handle, manage, or treat
The synonym for stubborn is hard headed.
After meditating on the above Scriptures, I’d say stubborn is more than just being hard headed, it’s about being hard hearted.
Webster defines rest as:
1. Freedom from activity or labor. This is the definition that I think most of us connect with – the physical rest. But when I now think about rest, as it is described in the above Scripture message, I gain a whole new insight about the meaning of rest. When I looked at the remaining definitions that follow, they really reflect the spiritual rest I need.
2. Peace of mind and spirit
3. Free of anxiety
4. Relief or freedom
What does God want to teach me that is so crucial to my healing as it relates to stubborn?
When I want my way over God’s way, I am being unyielding and therefore stubborn, rest, Colleen.
Rest brings healing, but it is only COMPLETE HEALING when the rest is both physical and spiritual.
I must listen to God's voice so my heart is not hardened. Listening to God’s voice and direction will keep me from falling back into that stubborn nature so I can enter into God’s Promised Land of rest forever!
When I think of the rest that I need for myself, I know that it must include the physical rest. At this season in my life, I need to have courage to ask of others for their help. I also need a much deeper rest, not just the physical rest. It’s the spiritual rest of tranquility in the midst of all these physical challenges, where my mind and spirit are filled with peace. Spiritual healing brings physical healing, and when I look at symptoms from a physical as well as spiritual perspective, there is a deeper and more lasting healing. This is the deeper rest that brings deeper balance to our bodies.
• It can also be called Sabbath Rest, which actually means that I am being obedient to God. If I am being stubborn I am not being obedient to God.
• It is my total trust in God’s provision
• It means that I do not have to STRIVE to create an answer or solution to my problems. Instead I have the full faith and confidence in God and His Word and I enter into His rest!
• It takes place in my mind, spirit, and soul.
• Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am HUMBLE and GENTLE at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-30
This means that I do what God tells me to do and then I rest in Him and the job gets done. I stop striving, and I stop worrying. I rest in knowing that I can not work it out myself. I respond to God in obedience and I leave the "rest" to Him!
I will close with these few examples of spiritual rest:
With the challenges I am now going through, I could be in a tizzy about owning my home and caring for it, but I’m not. My home was for sale for 9 months, and that was prior to any symptoms I experienced. It was for sale because I asked God for His direction in terms of my staying or moving. I was open to whatever was to happen. The obvious answer was STAY, because I am still in that home and there was not ONE person who even showed any interest! There was no interest because I was the one who was to be there. That home represents to me - entering into God’s Promised Land of spiritual rest. I am resting in that answer because I believe in what God wanted me to do. I am at peace about it and I do not worry about it. And that is in the midst of these tumultuous economic times. I do not focus on the circumstances. I focus on the God who is control of all circumstances!
Owning that home has meant that I have had to make adjustments to how I take care of it. Physical rest was needed with all the fatigue I experienced over the past 2 years. So, for the first time in 16 years I did not open my pool. It bummed me out, and I struggled with what I wanted, which was to have it open. What I needed was to take a break and rest from all the energy, money, additional chores, and entertaining it would have taken. My stubborn nature did not want to change what I knew I needed to do to, rest. It took my Daddy (the Earthly one), to help me stay committed to what I originally said I needed. God was using my Daddy’s voice to speak what I needed to hear so I could rest! Do not let this go to your head, Dad!
I have been blessed with high energy. It is a gift that has been given to me from God. It is not mine to own. Over the past 10 years I have been learning how to use that energy God’s way versus my way. It will be one of those life long processes.
Spiritual rest comes from a confident trust in God and His Word.
Rest is about God and what He wants - a relationship with each and everyone of us.
Stubborn is what I can be, and it can also be the enemy called cancer, but here is what stubborn has also taught me when it comes to this enemy called cancer - I will persevere, I will remain persistent and determined to rest physically and spiritually and I will be used as a blessing and not a curse!

Val, my Rituxan buddy for the day, and I, resting in the goodness of our friendship as I got my treatment.
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