We are remaining hopeful that the 8/31/11 treatment is remembered as the last one that I will ever need.
As a recipient of the “love IV” that you all have infused in me over these past 4 weeks, there is only one word that consistently comes to me over and over and it is this: AMAZING. During this time that I have gone through the Rituxan treatments, I can honestly say that I feel like I have been on vacation! How many people could ever be blessed to say such a thing??? Mom and Dad, Val, Lisa, and Linda you are my witnesses to the laughter and fun that we had during my treatment times, even though there were some minor challenges physically and emotionally along the way. In these past 4 weeks I have not been by myself, not even for one night. The original reason for this was so that my family would feel at peace about me being around people who could help me if there were any adverse reactions from the Rituxan, especially with my respiratory system and the possibility of psychotic psychosis. Many of you, particularly, my neighbors and clients, just laughed when I mentioned the potential psychotic side effect. I think you were implying that it would be very difficult to distinguish a psychosis from who I am!!! Am I that crazy to you all????
I love what my friend Lynn said after being at her home with her and her husband Johnny, "Now you come on back! You here!" Every one of you who opened your home to me or stayed with me in mine, said over and over how you were expecting me to be rehabbing, and I was, but it was not at all your typical rehab, as we all found out. You all bathed me in rest, prayers, laughter, food, movies, shopping, walking, tears, and Scriptures. I witnessed the presence of God in the flesh through all of you.
Lynn and Johnny, you stepped up to the plate with prayer and fasting from the moment you heard about the diagnosis. Every day Lynn called and blessed me with a message of scripture for that day and its practical application. Sometimes I answered the phone, but most times I did not. Hearing and reading God's Word breathed life into me!
Psalm 91 will be the Psalm and prayer that I hold on to tightly as I continue to go through these next months of blood work, scans, and various tests. When I was being evaluated in the spring with the mouth lesion, which is still present, and before I was even diagnosed with the Waldenstrom's, my friends Lynn and Melissa shared a book with me by Peggy Joyce Ruth called Psalm 91 - God's Umbrella of Protection. I want you all to know that I CONSTANTLY heard this psalm everywhere I went and I asked many of you to read it and think of me before we even had a diagnosis. Here are the 7 promises that God speaks to us in this psalm. I believe in these promises because God is the One making them, and that is why I can say with confidence that God is healing me.
Psalm 91 Promises
1. God delivers me
2. He raises me up (lifts me up)
3. He answers me
4. He rescues me from trouble
5. He honors me because I love Him
6. He satisfies me with LONG life
7. I behold His salvation
This book is FREE by calling 877- 972- 6657
Please continue to pray for my complete healing with no side effects. The flare up of IgM can occur up to 4 months after treatment, so PLEASE do not retreat in your praying and seeking God's Word. And for those of you who do not know about Irene, my son in law's mom, she has come off of hospice with half of her cancer GONE and no new growth, and she has Stage IV ovarian cancer! When I pray for my own complete healing I pray for hers as well.
As a recipient of the “love IV” that you all have infused in me over these past 4 weeks, there is only one word that consistently comes to me over and over and it is this: AMAZING. During this time that I have gone through the Rituxan treatments, I can honestly say that I feel like I have been on vacation! How many people could ever be blessed to say such a thing??? Mom and Dad, Val, Lisa, and Linda you are my witnesses to the laughter and fun that we had during my treatment times, even though there were some minor challenges physically and emotionally along the way. In these past 4 weeks I have not been by myself, not even for one night. The original reason for this was so that my family would feel at peace about me being around people who could help me if there were any adverse reactions from the Rituxan, especially with my respiratory system and the possibility of psychotic psychosis. Many of you, particularly, my neighbors and clients, just laughed when I mentioned the potential psychotic side effect. I think you were implying that it would be very difficult to distinguish a psychosis from who I am!!! Am I that crazy to you all????
I love what my friend Lynn said after being at her home with her and her husband Johnny, "Now you come on back! You here!" Every one of you who opened your home to me or stayed with me in mine, said over and over how you were expecting me to be rehabbing, and I was, but it was not at all your typical rehab, as we all found out. You all bathed me in rest, prayers, laughter, food, movies, shopping, walking, tears, and Scriptures. I witnessed the presence of God in the flesh through all of you.
Lynn and Johnny, you stepped up to the plate with prayer and fasting from the moment you heard about the diagnosis. Every day Lynn called and blessed me with a message of scripture for that day and its practical application. Sometimes I answered the phone, but most times I did not. Hearing and reading God's Word breathed life into me!
Psalm 91 will be the Psalm and prayer that I hold on to tightly as I continue to go through these next months of blood work, scans, and various tests. When I was being evaluated in the spring with the mouth lesion, which is still present, and before I was even diagnosed with the Waldenstrom's, my friends Lynn and Melissa shared a book with me by Peggy Joyce Ruth called Psalm 91 - God's Umbrella of Protection. I want you all to know that I CONSTANTLY heard this psalm everywhere I went and I asked many of you to read it and think of me before we even had a diagnosis. Here are the 7 promises that God speaks to us in this psalm. I believe in these promises because God is the One making them, and that is why I can say with confidence that God is healing me.
Psalm 91 Promises
1. God delivers me
2. He raises me up (lifts me up)
3. He answers me
4. He rescues me from trouble
5. He honors me because I love Him
6. He satisfies me with LONG life
7. I behold His salvation
This book is FREE by calling 877- 972- 6657
Please continue to pray for my complete healing with no side effects. The flare up of IgM can occur up to 4 months after treatment, so PLEASE do not retreat in your praying and seeking God's Word. And for those of you who do not know about Irene, my son in law's mom, she has come off of hospice with half of her cancer GONE and no new growth, and she has Stage IV ovarian cancer! When I pray for my own complete healing I pray for hers as well.

My longtime sweet friend Linda and I at the last treatment of this round.
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