August 24, 2011

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Joy

My cousin Lisa had come from Canton to be my Rituxan buddy this week. One of the first comments that she made to me was this, “Colleen, you will never know how many people you have touched by what you are going through and sharing.” I quickly got some idea of what she meant.

Her Name is Joy. She has been dating my cousin Lisa’s son, James, for a couple of years, but we have never met. Six months ago, Joy started working at the Clinique counter, where Lisa is her boss. What Lisa was about to describe to me, brought tears to my eyes as she presented me with a beautiful red gift basket that was from Joy. Lisa told me how Joy was moved to go on a “red shopping spree” just for me. Having gathered her shopping treasures, Joy wanted to share her findings, so she displayed them at the Clinique counter for her co-workers to see. This sea of red began to attract customers, and the question that has now become very familiar to many of us was asked, “What’s with the red?”

As I discovered the contents of this red basket that had been beautifully tied with a red stretchy scarf and filled with an assortment of red Bath and Body antibacterial soaps, scented candles, body crèmes, and a red puffed loofah, I could see the waving banner of red that had been created at that Clinique counter. Even the basket was lined with yet another scarf of red, black, and white plaid, it was just beautiful!

I share this with you, because many of you know that I am the “froofy” type. I had gone to my closet the morning that my cousin was coming and thought to myself, "I can’t believe that with all the scarves I have in my closet, I don’t have any light weight red ones!"

What did all of this mean to me? It went so far beyond what the eye could see. It was about the power and love of God’s Holy Spirit and how God’s Spirit works through us.

I don’t know Joy, but I do know the Holy Spirit and that is WHO this red is all about. Joy was reflecting the love that God has for me and the compassion for what I am facing. God is the one who made me “froofy” and He knew exactly what my closet did not have that I wanted, but certainly did not need. God is our Provider and Supplier in so many different, sweet, and practical ways, and I love that about Him!

The name Joy is not one of those coincidences either. Joy is talked about throughout the Bible. When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts and we surrender our need to control to Him, we can begin to experience the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit living inside of us, and one of the characteristics of that fruit, is Joy (Galatians 5:22). To have the joy of God living inside of me, means that no matter what circumstance I face, I can walk it out with joy, regardless of what happens! "The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all of my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving" (Psalm 28:7).

Thank you, Joy, for being used by the Lord to accessorize and pamper me to help me look and feel my best!

Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to make the drive down here to spend time with me and to love on me, and to put it in your words, “I am here to focus on you!” Lisa knows that it is not easy for me to think of myself as being the focus (and many of you know that to be true of me also), but I also know that God is saying this is what I need right now. There is a time to be outward focused and there is a time to rest and be inward focused. It’s a life long process of learning how to love ourselves so we can get a glimpse of how we can then love others with greater compassion and empathy the way God loves us.

In my excitement to have Lisa with me, I literally have had renewed energy. She has been such a great example of God giving me a dose of His healing Holy Spirit Power. And to ALL of you who have given me a dose of God’s spiritual medicine, I say thank you, even if I don’t know you, because I know the God who is Love, and you are His gift to me!

Going through my treatments has been a celebration of life. Cyndi, you said it so well when you talked about the days I spent being cared for at your home, “Our time together was like being on a mini vacation.”Laurie, you have always been so inclusive about me being a part of your family and wanting me to be around by asking, “When are you coming back?” This time in my life has truly been a time of JOY!

I know that my Mom, Dad, and Lauren were so concerned about my being alone during these times of treatment. What an answer you all have been to their prayers and concerns for me. You can not put a price on peace, and my family and I thank you for the peace you provided.

My precious cousin Lisa and I sporting our red power.

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