Seek the Answer and Direction in God's Word
So, how did you do with implementing the SW that encouraged you to reflect on a recent time when you felt alone? What did you discover when you wrote down the thought and feeling that was connected to that lonely moment? And when you Googled the words: “I will never leave you,” how did the Scripture that you chose speak to you, as you wrote down the one thought and one feeling that it stirred up inside of you? Did you draw any new conclusions about how you thought and felt about being alone after seeking God's Word?
Many of you who personally know me would describe me as being strong and courageous, and I would agree, but I would qualify that strength and courage as being characteristic of what has developed inside of my head as a result of what God’s Word has taught me. There was a time, early on in my life, and through most of my thirties, when I often appeared outwardly strong and courageous, but it did not match up with the feelings of hopelessness and loneliness that I felt inside.
Joshua 1:9 is an example of the verse I so often hear the Lord speak to me: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
The more I picked up my Bible, opened it, read it, meditated on it, studied it, researched it, and then journaled or wrote about a specific verse, the more I believed it and internalized it. It became a part of me and it was a reflection of God’s Truth at work in me.
We have frequently talked about the symbolism of the rose as I have walked you through the teachings of my CHGs. Early on in my teaching, I mentioned how the rose is my logo for my business, Home Touched. It symbolizes the personal touch I bring to my clients, and through the years, the rose has also come to represent much more:
♥ The rose is a reflection of God’s love for me and for you.
♥ The rose symbolizes the fruit that God wants to produce in me and in you.
♥ The rose reflects the personal touch that God gives to me and to you as we continue to grow in lessening the clutter in our lives through Him.
“The Rose” by Bette Midler, represents the song that the Holy Spirit has consistently used with me to talk to me about CHG #12. As so often happens when I write these blogs, the song I’m writting about comes on. As I write this paragraph about “The Rose” and include the web site for you to view and to listen to, “The Rose” starts to play. (My mother had turned the radio on so that she and my Dad could listen to music while they worked out in their pool). I told my parents that I had just written about the song that they were listening to in my blog teaching for CHG #12. As I have said before, these kind of happenings are not coincidences but God incidences, and they point us to the only True God who is alive, real, and so very present in our lives at all times. He is the God who has no beginning and no ending. And when we choose to be in relationship with Him, and do life with Him, He will reveal Himself to us in very personal and touching ways!
When I was first entered into my love relationship with the Lord, God would consistently use this song to remind me that I was like a seed, and through the love of His Son, I would see myself becoming a rose, His rose.
Our greatest clutter in this life is the clutter that is the result of not knowing that we are loved. And it is my prayer that that the clutter healing teaching over the past year and a half has helped you to recognize the seed you have wanted to plant so that you too can know that you are a rose that is blossoming through the eyes of God. He loves you and so do I.
This posting concludes my clutter healing teaching and writing for Red Wednesday's Wisdom. I close by writing out an example of my prayer request for healing, followed by God’s Word of hope, love and truth, and then the answer I heard when I listened to God’s Word. I hope it speaks to you as being the greatest romance story that ever was or ever will be!
My Prayer Request for Healing
Lord there are times when I find it so hard to know who I am. How do I get to know me? How do I identify my own thoughts and feelings? Please show me how to open the door to mind and heart so that I may know myself and know who you are as well. So often I feel as though I am in a battle between my ego self and my spiritual self. How do I learn to fight this war that is rising within me? I want to know who is going to fight with me so I can win this war!
God’s Word of Hope, Love, and Truth
(Song of Songs 7:1, 5-6, 10, and12)
Young man says: “How beautiful are your sandaled feet, O queenly maiden. Your rounded thighs arelike jewels, the work of a skilled craftsman….. A king is held captive in your queenly tresses. Oh how delightful you are, my beloved; how pleasant for utter delight!”
Young woman says: I am my lover’s, the one He desires. Come, my love, let us go out into the fields and spend the night among the wildflowers. And there will I give you my love.”
The Answer I Heard When I Listened to God’s Word
You are God! You are the God of love, the God of intimacy, the God of romance, the God of sensuality, the God who created us to be beautifully made male and female. You are the God of marriage and the God who wants to be married to each one of us. Your Word is the sword that I must always have in my hand to win the war! When I write my prayerful letters of love to You, I am reminded that my pen is that sword, and I believe that you write back to me through your Word. Your Holy Spirit and Holy Word guide me to know who you are and who I am. Thank you, Lord, for loving me with such a fighting passion to be the winner you created me to be!!!
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