July 24, 2013

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #10, Part Four

Become Rooted and Balanced in God's STEM

What has it been like for you as you have been approached by temptations, trials, and troubles?  Was it with an acknowledgement of God’s Joy, and a desire to endure them with patience?

Looking back over some of my own trying and specific trials, I’d have to say that initially my behavior was not very reflective of God’s Joy or His presence in my life, until I gained some new insight.  As I looked at CHG #10 in relationship to the personal trials that I was facing, I realized that if I wanted to grow deeper in my communion with God and others, then I needed to recognize that when my feelings get all stirred up, especially with irritation, impulsiveness, frustration, defensiveness, and anger, I need to acknowledge that those feelings as red flags for me.  In other words, they are a warning to stop!  They are not just a warning to slow down or move forward with caution.  If I ignore those red flag feelings, then I can become emotionally imbalanced and that effects how I handle the space, time, energy, and money that God has graciously given to me to use.  If I choose to not heed those red flags, I run the risk of not modeling the patience and love that conveys God’s Joy in my life.  I can become disrespectful for how I treat and use what is on loan to me, which includes everybody and everything.  When I react rather than respond, which is CHG #11, I have a tendency to cut others off. I speak louder and I become more argumentative, abrupt, and impatient. When I recognize those red flags and stop to think rather than react, I am better prepared to experience the balance that comes from being patient and a willingness to endure, which means that I will be called to bear, stand, suffer, tolerate, sustain, or undergo, the temptation, trial, or trouble I face.

In my past, I often equated joy with how happy I was.  What I have discovered, is that it is hard to be happy when you are sad or grieving.  But, I can be joyful when I am sad or grieving.  I can have Joy even when I do not feel happy.
What is Joy?
Joy = Rejoicing
Joy = Well being
Joy = The source or cause of my delight
Joy is what lives in me.  It comes from within me.

Who is Joy?
Joy = Christ

What is Happy?
Happy = Luck
Happy = Chance Happenings
Happy is what exists outside of me.  It comes from that which surrounds me.
It used to be that when I wanted to wish someone well, I would say, Good luck!”  Now I say, “Blessings!”  Life is not about some chance happening, it is purposeful, and blessings come from an intentional God, not some lucky charm.  So whatever you are going through, peace or storms, highs or lows, jubilation or sorrow, count it all joy, because your joy is not by chance happenings. Your joy is secure in Christ.  Philippians 4:4 says, “Always be full of joy in the Lord.  I say it again – rejoice!”

When it comes to the symbolism that represents CHG #10, think of a long stemmed red rose, and its roots reaching deep into the ground.  If you go back to the April 25, 2012 posting, you will see the rose diagram that I provided for you.  I talked about the STEM being the acronym for space, time, energy, and money.  This week, your SW is to think about yourself as that rose and to see how God uses its symbolism to speak to you about how you have grown in relationship to the seed you wanted to plant.  If you need some reminding about that seed, go to your notes or journaling for the May 30, 2012 posting.  Look at the SW and the one word you circled to be the seed you wanted to plant:  healing, hope, love, or truth. 

In addition, here is the Scripture that backs up CHG #10.  “I am the Lord and I do not change.  That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed.” Malachi 3:6.  We have talked about how God is constant and He is our anchor.  We on the other hand are changing all the time. This week go to your Bible and look up Malachi 3:6 and reflect on the meaning that this Scripture has for you, and in the process, I pray you enjoy the journey and see the blessings. 

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