May 8, 2013

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #9, Part Two

Focus and Surrender My Life to God’s Control
What new information did your SW provide for you this past week as you examined the word obedience/disobedience in your life and in the life of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22? 

For me, I will answer that question by saying first and foremost, the Bible is my #1 resource for referencing information to get God’s perspective, and then Google comes in at a close second when it comes to man’s perspective.  Never in history has information been so instantly and readily available, and I mention Google, because it relates to my own disobedience and how it peaked for me over this past week.  It is embarrassing to admit, let alone confess, but I have been in some very close mishaps when it comes to my driving skills that are related to stopping.  I am convinced, as well as thankful, that my prayers to be more aware and cautious with my driving protected me from hitting a pedestrian in a cross walk this past week.  But, I also realize that I need to be more focused on stopping when the sign says stop.  Slowing down is not enough when I am approaching a sign that says stop or a flashing red light that indicates the need to stop.  Stop means stop!  And as I have become more aware of my own dangerous habits to slow down but not stop, I have also noticed just how common this cluttered practice has become as drivers slowly drift through a lawful sign that commands us to stop without ever stopping.  Of course, another’s wrong does not make my wrong right, but I was curious about googling the driving rules for stop signs, and here is what I found out:

Modern drivers continue to be confused about this question: How long must you stop at a stop sign?
Full stop
When approaching a stop sign, it's not enough to slow down. Every year drivers get ticketed because they only slowed down for a quick look left and right but never actually stopped.  A driver is expected to come to a full stop at every stop sign. Even if you are the only driver on the road, you are still expected to stop or you risk getting a traffic fine.

Length of time
While there is no time rule as to how long your car must remain stopped, several seconds is a good rule of thumb. This gives you enough time to look to your left, look to your right and look left again before accelerating. When a car is approaching, you are expected to wait until that car has either passed or also comes to a complete stop.

Over the years, I am frequently reminded of know how hard it has been for me to take responsibility for my own actions.  And truth be told?  I recognize that I am not perfect, though I would like to be.  So, I pray, “God, continue to show me how to let You be the One who controls those parts of me that need improved upon, especially my need to stop in all areas of my life!   Help me to be more aware of obedience to your law and to man’s as You continue to use the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 to remind me that I am always in the process of surrendering.”

When you look at CHG #9 to heal your clutter, by focusing and surrendering your life to God’s control, what does CHG #9 imply as being the root cause of your clutter?
My clutter builds up when I lack focus. 
My clutter builds up when I do not surrender.  
My clutter builds up when I need to control.
Explore the words in Genesis 22:1-2 that back up CHG # 9. They say, “Later on God tested Abraham’s Faith and obedience.  'Abraham!' God called.  'Yes,' he replied.  'Here I am.'  'Take your son, your only son – yes Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I will point out to you.' ”

What do these Scriptures imply as being the root cause of your clutter? 
My clutter builds up because of my lack of faith. 
My clutter builds up because of my lack of obedience    
My clutter builds up because of my fears.                                                                                                            
This week your SW is to think about how you can lessen the clutter in your life through CHG #9 and its Scriptures. Ask yourself the following questions, and then only give a one answer reply.
1.      Who or what needs your focus?

2.      Who or what needs you to surrender?

3.      Who or what are you needing to let God control rather than yourself?

4.      What keeps you from having faith?

5.      What lacks obedience in your life?

6.      What are you fearful of?

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