April 24, 2013

Red Wednesday's Widsom - CHG #8, Part Four

Commit to Listening and Making a Decision
Your SW from last week related to two Scriptures from the Book of John.  I suggested that you reflect and meditate on how these two scriptures spoke to you.

John 11:25, “I am the Resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.”

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

I hope that you have a greater sense of clarity in deciding what these verses mean to you this week compared to last in regards to your eternity.
This week I would like to bring closure to CHG # 8 by making some specific points.

Hearing and Listening to God                                                                                                            Do you know that God’s Character is always a reflection of what He tells us to do?                        God is the almighty Listener and, therefore, He also wants me to listen.                                      Listening means that I do what God tells me to do.  This is called obedience.                                    We have lots of clutter because we choose to not listen to God.                                                          Consider how God listens constantly to our thoughts and desires.                                                    God is the only One who hears me more than I hear myself.                                                          Would there be any point in my praying if God did not listen to me?
If God did not listen to me then there would be no basis for CHG #3.                                             CHG #3 tells me to ask, ask for help, and pray.  
Hearing and Listening to Myself
I am the # 1 person who talks to me more than anyone else.
So how do I learn to really listen to what I have to say to myself?
It begins by writing out my answers to the SW.
Writing down what I am thinking helps me to see my self-talk.
CHG # 8 is the CHG that reinforces us to use one word phrases.                                                     These one word phrases are called “rhema” words.                                                                       
Rhema in the Greek means an “utterance.”
A rhema word is that one word that resonates or speaks to you and it gets reflected in God’s Word.                  

John 6:63 says, “It is the Spirit that gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words (rhema words) I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”  

SW is designed to help you develop your listening skills.

Your SW over the past few weeks related to specific rhema words.  These words, for me, are first perceived through the Holy Spirit (the SW – The Spirit at work in us), and then they get reinforced in God’s Word.  Last week the Scriptures for your SW related to the rhema word being eternity, the week before that, the rhema word was live, and prior to that week, the rhema word was listening/noticed.  We need to be in God’s Word every day so that we can validate that what we are hearing or sensing is actually coming from God and not from Satan or from ourselves. 

Here are some words of caution: 

Be aware of being tricked. Satan believes in God and he knows how to come across as the light.  You need to be in God’s Word to know God as your Truth.

Be patient.  Allow God’s character of order and pattern to speak specific words to you over and over.  Satan’s character is not one of order but of chaos and confusion.  So, if you feel disoriented or confused in making a decision, then wait until you are at peace with the order and pattern that can only come from God. 

This week, Father God, I pray for that specific rhema word and Scripture that you want each of us to hear through Your Holy Spirit.  Please open our ears to receive what You want us to hear, and help us to become better listeners.  We depend upon You to lead us in making decisions that are in line with Your Holy Word and that are reflective of our love for Your Son, Jesus.  Touch us with the strength and power of Your Holy Spirit.  Amen

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