May 30, 2012

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Spirit Work (SW)

In order to help you get to the root of whatever clutter issues you are dealing with, I want to introduce you to the concept of Spirit Work, also known as SW. I want to clarify that SW is not homework. It is designed to help your spirit and your heart connect with God’s Spirit and His heart. Think of SW as a time of prayer, a time to slow down, to quiet yourself, and appreciate that God wants to have communication with you. SW helps you to do that.

As we all know, communication and relationships take work. Your communication and relationship with God also takes work. SW helps you to come into a relationship with God, yourself, and others.

SW is going to help you to:
♥ Experience the Person and power of God’s Holy Spirit.
♥ Stretch yourself by making healthier choices.
♥ Take small steps to make big changes.
♥ Find healing, hope, love, and truth.
♥ Reveal your own hidden story.
♥ Find God’s way rather than your way.

So now that you have been introduced to SW, let’s get started so that you can gain more insight and clarity to your story through the power, strength, guidance, and council of God’s Holy Spirit.

The following SW questions have been designed to help you get into the habit of getting your thoughts decluttered. Regardless of what the clutter is in your life, it is always related to how you think, so we are going to start with decluttering your thinking. And because your thinking then influences how you feel and what you say, we are also going to focus on decluttering your heart and the amount of words that come out of your mouth. Therefore, we are going to focus on one word phrases for your answers. Feel free to print this off.

1. In one word, write down the thought that reflects why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog______________

2. In one word, write down the feeling that relates to why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog_____________

Please keep this in mind about feelings:
♥ Feelings are secondary to what you think.
♥ Your feelings belong to you based on your thinking.
♥ Someone else can not make you feel a certain way.
♥ You are responsible for what you think and feel.
♥ Someone else does not have the power to make you feel a certain way.
♥ You are responsible for what you feel and not someone else.

3. Circle the one seed that you most want to plant as you consider how you answered your first two questions:
♥ Healing
♥ Hope
♥ Love
♥ Truth

The fruit of planting your specific seed will take place over a number of months and even years. Change will happen in all four areas of Healing, Hope, Love, and Truth, but, it will be a process that is meant to be gradual, slow, purposeful and watchful as you focus on just one seed.

4. As you reflect on the one seed that you want to plant, circle the one Scripture out of the following that most speaks to you in regards to the seed that you want to plant for yourself:
♥ “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
♥ “Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened.” Luke 11: 9
♥ “In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God and he was God.” John 1: 1
♥ “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

This Scripture will be your personal Scripture in the months to come. I suggest that you write it down on a small card and carry it or post it where you can see it every day. Then look forward to hearing it and seeing it as the Lord uses it to get your attention about the seed you are planting.

As you choose to focus on:
♥ One thought
♥ One feeling
♥ One word
♥ One Scripture
♥ One step at a time

You will begin to see how you can live your life with more of the SON:
His Simplicity
His Order
His Nurturance

One of my very favorite songs is called Draw me Close by the Katinas. One of the ways that I am always drawn closer to God is through SW. May you be blessed with this week’s SW and be drawn closer to the Lord.

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