A we reflect on CHG # 6, See Through My Stuff from the Inside Out and Follow Through, think about what this CHG implies as being the root
cause of my clutter?
1. My clutter builds
up when I cannot see the “stuff” that is inside
♥ Head
♥ Heart
♥ Piles
♥ Files
♥ Bags
♥ Containers
2. My clutter builds
up when I do not follow through with a task or
do what I said or intended to do.
Therefore, when I see through my
“stuff” from the inside out and follow through, I lessen my clutter and this brings healing to me.
The Scripture to support CHG # 6 is from Matthew 23:26, “…First wash the inside of the cup and
then the outside will become clean too.” What does Matthew 23:26 imply
as being the root cause of my clutter?
♥ My clutter builds up when my priority is outward focused
rather than inward focused.
♥ My clutter builds up when my outward appearance is more
important than what is inside.
♥ My clutter builds up when I focus on your “stuff” rather than my own “stuff.”
Therefore, when I address what is on the inside of my head and heart, I am in the process of
being cleansed, and this lessens my clutter and brings healing to me.
If you open your Life
Recovery Bible to Matthew 23:26, you will
see that the first sentence to this verse only consists of two words. They were spoken by Jesus when
He said, “Blind Pharisees!"
Here is my word of caution: we need to avoid making the mistake of
thinking these words were just for the Pharisees, who were a religious sect of
Judaism. The Pharisees were so extremely
devoted to God’s laws that they became blind to the heart and love of Jesus as
their Messiah.
When I look at these words from a
personal perspective, I am challenged to remove my own blinders. I need to address the truth about how I see
♥ Is my focus on how I want to
appear or who I truly am?
♥ Are my motives guided by pride
or humility?
♥ Do I say one thing but do
♥ Do I walk my talk?
♥ Am I inclined to evaluate and
correct the faults of others more than myself?
♥ Do I look full of life, but inside I am dying?
From the very beginning when I
introduced you to Spirit Work (SW), we have been learning to wash the inside of our own cups as we have entertained the
questions that related to our individual thoughts and feelings.
The concept of seeing through my stuff originally came out of my
Home Touched organizing business. It
relates to how we begin to sort through our material “stuff”
and establish a home by containerizing those possessions.
♥ Clear containers or bags
provide the simplicity to “see through” or into
the container.
♥ Non clear containers or bags
are used when it is not desirable or necessary to “see through” or into the container
though my stuff " also developed out of my spiritual need to look inward. It’s an uncomfortable feeling to admit that I
need to be cleansed. I need God’s spiritual eyes to “see
through” the “stuff” of my own denial. Denial represents the darkness of what I do
not want to look at or want to "see through." CHG #6 is about going inward to make an honest
inventory about myself. It means that I
will take off my blinders and come out of my hiding. I will “see through”
my sin, my denial, my greed, my self –indulgence, my finger pointing, and
whatever else the Holy Spirit reveals about me.
Over the next few weeks I am
going to encourage you to write to me and ask whatever questions you have about
material clutter and how to organize it.
You can either comment at the bottom of this post or you can email me directly at colleen.flenner@gmail.com In the Clutter Healing Classes, it has been amazing to witness how few
questions participants had about their material clutter. When people make an honest attempt to put the
CHG’s into practice, they find out that their material clutter gets
resolved. For those of you who struggle
with material clutter I hope that happens for you.
This coming week, our SW is to
ask the Lord to help us see what we have been
blind to seeing, and then ask Him how we are to follow through with addressing that blindness.
The song called Mary’s Alabaster Box by Cece Winans is
such a great example of someone who looked at her life from the inside out and followed through with making a change. May it inspire you to do the same.