Love the Lord
Before I get started, I want to remind you that if you ever have any questions or need clarification with the spirit work, Scripture, or things that you are reading in the posts, I encourage you to use the comments section at the bottom of the postings to let me know what is on your mind. I will then be able respond back to you. If you are emailing to the blog I will never see your questions or comments.
Having said this, this past week I was asked this question in regards to doing the SW, “Do I write down the first answer that comes to me or do I marinate on the other words that can also enter my mind?” I can not predict how the Holy Spirit works with any of us. I can tell you that in my own life it is often the first word that comes to me, but there are times when the word is not readily manifested. In fact, there can be many words that come to you. So, apply CHG # 1 and allow yourself to slow down with how much is coming into your brain. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus on just the one word that He wants you to receive. It can be days or an entire week until the Holy Spirit gets my attention with a specific word or thought. I do not vacillate over the answer because that then clutters my trust in God speaking to me. Our God is the God of pattern and order, consequently, He will often speak the same word over and over to us. Please do not labor over getting an answer of the “right” one. Remember that SW is prayerful communication between you and God’s Spirit. Be at peace in trusting that the Holy Spirit will answer your prayer and give you what you need. It was God’s Spirit that led me to write the SW questions so that we can be drawn into a working and loving relationship with Him. So it is His Spirit that will prayerfully lead you to the answer that He wants you to have. He knows your heart and what you need at every specific moment.
As I reflected on the first SW question from the last post that related to my thought or belief regarding God, the word all was consistently showing up in my Scripture and devotional readings, as well as my journaling. As I looked at the second SW question that related to the one major feeling that was elicited when I meditated on the word all, it was a feeling of gratitude, because I am continuously learning what it means to love God and believe in Him. And because of the relationship I have with the Lord, I am blessed to witness how alive and present He is in my life. He is not dead. He is always demonstrating His love and care for me.
So, on a practical level, as I have been going through the process of selling my house and moving, there is one word that is reflective of the third SW question that asks how my heart, soul, mind or strength have been influenced by thinking about CHG #2. The word would be struggle. I have had my moments of struggleing between doubt and faith. There is a part of me that wants to go to doubt and ask what if……, what if…..? And when that has happened, I have reminded myself to trust God with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind and all of my strength. There is no question about what I heard God telling me, “It is time to sell and it will happen quickly.” Things have moved very quickly. But the doubt wants to ask if I believe all of what God has said or do I believe in just part of it?
As I write about CHG #2 I believe that its focus came at just the right time for me. It has caused me to have a new trust in the word all. I believe in all of what has God put on my mind and heart about selling my home, and I believe with all of my soul and all of my strength that He has empowered me to do all of this in the midst of healing my broken ankle very quickly as well.
SW question # 4 had to do with how God uses symbolism to get my attention in turning towards God and loving Him. Symbolism plays a big role in how God will communicate with us if we are in His Word daily and we are seeking Him though the course of our day. I loved how the Lord used the symbolism of a song verse during church recently to emphasize this word all for me. It was the song called, “Jesus Paid it All.”
I hear the Savior say,
“Thy strength indeed is small;
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all.”
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.
Lord, now indeed I find
Thy power, and Thine alone,
Can change the leper’s spots
And melt the heart of stone.
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.
When from my dying bed
My ransomed soul shall rise,
“Jesus died my soul to save,”
Shall rend the vaulted skies.
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.
And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete,
I’ll lay my trophies down,
All down at Jesus’ feet.
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.
As you gather all your answers to the previous posting’s SW questions, what story is God wanting you to discover about loving Him?
When I was learning what loving God was all about, the Lord would bring the color green to my attention. For me the color green symbolized growth and reinforced my need to grow in loving the Lord.
This week your SW is about reflecting on the color green. Think about what it symbolizes in terms of growing in your knowledge of God and His love. Jesus says in 1 John 4:8 “But anyone who does not love does not know God – for God is love.”
I would like to close with this prayer.
Father God, as we reflect on Your amazing grace may it be that grace that sheds light on how we have cluttered our lives by not loving you or appreciating your goodness. You are the Creator of love, so it can only be through You that we learn to love and connect with You, ourselves and one another.
July 25, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #2, Part Two
July 11, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #2, Part One
Love the Lord
No matter what the clutter is in our lives we have found out from CHG # 1 that we need to slow down and be still so we can lessen our clutter and experience healing. Now I want to introduce you to CHG #2. It tells us to love the Lord. My clutter builds up when I do not love God. Therefore, when I love the Lord, I lessen my clutter and this brings healing to me.
Here is the Scripture to support CHG #2. It says, “….Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (Mark 12:30). So here is what I want to ask you. What does Mark 12:30 imply as being the root cause of my clutter? This Scripture is affirming that my clutter is going to build up if I do not choose to have the Lord in my life and love Him. The second part to this Scripture tells me that my clutter increases when I do not love God with ALL of me; it’s not a segmented part of me that only loves Him, or limiting my presence with Him in temple or church once a week. ALL means that I love God as best I can with my whole being and life. ALL of me includes:
♥ All of my heart
♥ All of my soul
♥ All of my mind
♥ All of my strength
Therefore, when I love the Lord with my ALL, I lessen my clutter, and this brings healing to me.
When you go to the Bible and look up Mark 12:28-30, you will find out that Jesus is telling us that this is the most important commandment. This command is such a great example of how God loves you and me. God does not love just a part of us but He loves every fiber of our being. Jesus was also reaffirming that this commandment was first spoken from God to Moses. It can be traced back to the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-5, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” These words are not new to the Jewish culture. They are referred to as the Shema and are recited in Jewish Worship.
So how do we summarize what Jesus is telling us? Jesus is saying God exists and He is the only God. He alone is the God of Israel and He alone is the only God of you and me. There is no other God. It is spiritual clutter to think there are other gods or that God does not exist. It is spiritual clutter to think that all gods lead to the same God. The Truth about who God is can only be found in God’s Word.
This week, your SW is to focus on asking the Holy Spirit to help you do some exploring:
Identify the one major thought or belief that you have about God.
What is the one major feeling that this thought or belief elicits in you?
In one word how was your heart, soul, mind or strength influenced by thinking about CHG 2 that says to love the Lord?
Next week we will consider some of the symbolism that God has used with me to get my attention in turning towards Him and loving Him. See what He may use with you this coming week in getting you to turn towards Him and Love Him.
I would like to close with this prayer that may shed some light for you on some of your own beliefs and feelings about God.
Father God, there was a time when I felt so overwhelmed and confused by the spiritual clutter of this New Age secular world. Thank you for this CHG that is constantly guiding me to find You and love You. This coming week, I pray for those who are searching for love and Truth and have not yet found You. I pray that they be moved this week by Your Holy Spirit so they can grow in knowing You, believing in You, hearing You, seeing You, and feeling You in their lives. Show them the way to Your heart so they can experience Your healing, hope, love, and truth.
No matter what the clutter is in our lives we have found out from CHG # 1 that we need to slow down and be still so we can lessen our clutter and experience healing. Now I want to introduce you to CHG #2. It tells us to love the Lord. My clutter builds up when I do not love God. Therefore, when I love the Lord, I lessen my clutter and this brings healing to me.
Here is the Scripture to support CHG #2. It says, “….Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (Mark 12:30). So here is what I want to ask you. What does Mark 12:30 imply as being the root cause of my clutter? This Scripture is affirming that my clutter is going to build up if I do not choose to have the Lord in my life and love Him. The second part to this Scripture tells me that my clutter increases when I do not love God with ALL of me; it’s not a segmented part of me that only loves Him, or limiting my presence with Him in temple or church once a week. ALL means that I love God as best I can with my whole being and life. ALL of me includes:
♥ All of my heart
♥ All of my soul
♥ All of my mind
♥ All of my strength
Therefore, when I love the Lord with my ALL, I lessen my clutter, and this brings healing to me.
When you go to the Bible and look up Mark 12:28-30, you will find out that Jesus is telling us that this is the most important commandment. This command is such a great example of how God loves you and me. God does not love just a part of us but He loves every fiber of our being. Jesus was also reaffirming that this commandment was first spoken from God to Moses. It can be traced back to the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-5, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” These words are not new to the Jewish culture. They are referred to as the Shema and are recited in Jewish Worship.
So how do we summarize what Jesus is telling us? Jesus is saying God exists and He is the only God. He alone is the God of Israel and He alone is the only God of you and me. There is no other God. It is spiritual clutter to think there are other gods or that God does not exist. It is spiritual clutter to think that all gods lead to the same God. The Truth about who God is can only be found in God’s Word.
This week, your SW is to focus on asking the Holy Spirit to help you do some exploring:
Identify the one major thought or belief that you have about God.
What is the one major feeling that this thought or belief elicits in you?
In one word how was your heart, soul, mind or strength influenced by thinking about CHG 2 that says to love the Lord?
Next week we will consider some of the symbolism that God has used with me to get my attention in turning towards Him and loving Him. See what He may use with you this coming week in getting you to turn towards Him and Love Him.
I would like to close with this prayer that may shed some light for you on some of your own beliefs and feelings about God.
Father God, there was a time when I felt so overwhelmed and confused by the spiritual clutter of this New Age secular world. Thank you for this CHG that is constantly guiding me to find You and love You. This coming week, I pray for those who are searching for love and Truth and have not yet found You. I pray that they be moved this week by Your Holy Spirit so they can grow in knowing You, believing in You, hearing You, seeing You, and feeling You in their lives. Show them the way to Your heart so they can experience Your healing, hope, love, and truth.
July 4, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #1, Part Three
Slow Down and Be Still
A number of you have personally expressed to me that you have wanted to start the journaling, but it has not yet happened. If you are thinking of it as a “to do,” then I would encourage you to change your thinking. Let go of the idea that it is a “to do” and replace it with the thought of how you are going to be blessed.
Before I share some final teaching on CHG #1, I thought it might help if I gave an example of my own journaling in response to the SW questions and answers. I included the original questions so it would make it easier for you to follow. Hopefully, this will be a guide in helping you to begin your own journaling. Please note, my SW answers are in italics.
Wed. 5/30/12
1. In one word, write down the thought that reflects why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog – Teaching
2. In one word, write down the feeling that relates to why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog - Moved
3. Circle the one seed (healing, hope, love, truth) that you most want to plant as you consider how you answered your first two questions: Healing
4. As you reflect on the one seed that you want to plant, circle the one Scripture (Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 11:9, John 1:1, John 8:32) out of the following that most speaks to you in regards to the seed that you want to plant for yourself: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Wed. 6/6/12
How did the song “Draw Me Close” touch you? I heard “Draw Me Close” on the radio for the first time in years. I also came upon the Scripture in James 4:8 that reflected its title, “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.” The song and the Scripture affirmed for me that God was reaching down, taking my hand, and saying, “I am always here with you. You drew close to me Colleen, and I drew close to you.” I was healed from the cluttered emotions of sadness and disappointment of this past week and I am at peace!
Wed. 6/13/12
What visual did I get of my clutter? Chores
Wed. 6/20/12
Here is how I elaborated on chores being my clutter: It had to do with all of my outdoor chores and my needing to let go of the perfect completed look. I needed to be realistic about the full work week schedule that was already going to take place. By choosing to be still and let go of all the doing,, it enabled me to nurture myself and take in the beauty of my yard as it was, while enjoying conversation with neighbors passing by - a big change for me, because I often tell myself that I do not have time.
Wed. 6/27/12
I identified my clutter as outdoor chores, so I chose my clutter category to be situational. Those chores are now being taken care of by friends and neighbors because of my broken ankle.
Wed 7/4/12
Planting that seed of healing to lessen the clutter of my chores has sure come in a very unexpected manner. Being sick 4 times this year and now dealing with this broken ankle, I have come to realize that my healing is much bigger than this ankle. It is about letting go of this home. It is a bitter sweet pill to take, but it is a celebration of freedom, just like today, as we celebrate the birth and freedom of this God ordained country. God’s care and timing is perfect. In 6 days my home is under contract - no yard sign and no MLS listing! I wanted the seed of healing in my life and I am seeing it. My Scripture for that seed is to remember hat God has His plan for me, Jeremiah29:11.
As indicated by last week’s post, I have really been made to slow down as a result of my ankle being broken. I can tell you that I am more intentional than ever to move slowly because there is to be no weight bearing on that ankle for two more weeks, and I am very much challenged with the crutches when it comes to balance and strength. Talk about slowing down and to think before you move! I have gained a new appreciation for CHG #1 in being still, I am doing a lot more sitting than I have ever bee accustomed to and I have an even deeper empathy for you precious people in wheelchairs. Maybe now you can better understand why I am lead to teach this stuff. My experiences have been my best teachers and lessons.
If you will recall, my outdoor chores were symptomatic of my clutter category being situational. And because of my broken ankle, I no longer have those chores demanding me of my energy. So as we finish up with CHG #1, I want to give some reinforcement to what I have already shared with you in previous teaching.
Your clutter will never go away but you can learn to lessen it and mange it. And if you choose to accept and follow the 12 CHG’S you will develop a deep, caring, and loving relationship with God The Father, His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. And because of those relationships you will know and feel the peace of God’s Simplicity, Order, and Nurturance, even in the overwhelming midst of your clutter.
What can I say? Accidents happen, and I had a terrible one. My left ankle got trapped into the sweeper tubing that is used for vacuuming my pool. And as my foot made a major twist, into the pool I went. I have a serious fracture of my lower fibula. It is the bone that runs along the outside of your leg. We are praying that there will be no surgery, and that I will heal in 6-8 weeks.
Now, if it was not for my relationship with the Lord and what He has taught me through the 12 CHG’S, I would be a MESS. I have certainly been slowed down to be still. And here are the points that I wish to make as I apply CHG # 1 to my own cluttered situation.
♥ I was not moving fast but I was distracted. I was not completely focused on the chore at hand. I usually vacuum when I am alone. I had company.
♥ This was not the Lord’s doing. God is love and His plan is never to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus even warns us in John 16:33 that we will have trials and sorrows BUT, we are to take heart, because he has overcome the world. In other words, no matter what I may face or what I am going through, I find my peace in Jesus. I love what Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
♥ We live in a world where the enemy wants and needs to destroy us. If we did not live in a sinful fallen world accidents would be nonexistent. We live in a world that is not yet heaven.
♥ Our best intentions do not keep us from being hurt and feeling pain.
♥ Needs vs. wants becomes a priority if we want to lessen our clutter. My daughter and her family were to come to Cincinnati last week. Her husband and daughter came down with colds. With my low immunity we both knew that their coming was not healthy for me. It was hard, sad, and disappointing to admit that we needed to postpone our visit even though we wanted to be together and I needed help. But you know what? We were at peace with our decision, because in our slowing down to pray and to look at our past history, we knew what we needed to do to prevent the clutter of me getting sick again. And by the way, friends have blessed me CONSTANTLY with their help and support.
♥ Let go of saying “I can’t,” “I won’t,” “I don’t.” Remember, words are thoughts before they are spoken. Replace your negative thinking with positive thoughts of, “I can,” “I will,” “I do.” Here is how I have applied that teaching to my present situation: “I can safely get up those steep on my knees and go down them on my bumbum. I will keep the weight off my left foot so I do not need surgery. I will choose to make those crutches my friend and not curse them.
♥ Stop “shoulding” on yourself by saying, “I should!” Replace it with what I need. Here is what I am saying: I need to accept all the help that my neighbors are offering and express an attitude of gratitude. It is very humbling for me to ask, and it is one of the CHG’S.
♥ Practice saying, “no”. Remember, you can say “no” without saying the word. An example: I am so sorry. I would love to do that for you but at this time I need to focus my energy on me getting healthy.
♥ Practice silence, Psalm 46:10. Speak less and listen more.
♥ Keep your eye on God and not your circumstance.
Keep in mind that all the clutter categories are intertwined, but for simplicity we are focusing on just one clutter category. My clutter category is situational BUT here is the effect it has had in each area:
Material clutter? I am buying less because my mobility is limited. Less stuff and more money. I am selling my home!
Mental clutter? I am choosing to focus on God and His Word rather than my circumstance of a broken ankle that leads to self pity and being negative. God’s Word has taught me that when I carry heavy burdens He will give me rest and He will teach me how to do that according to Matthew 11:28-30.
Emotional clutter? I have had to deal with sadness but I am also excited as I anticipate the new order that God has for me as I go through the transition of a move.
Situational clutter? The energy required to do chores is being lessened.
Spiritual clutter? I live and breathe God’s Word. I know He is in control of my life.
Physical health clutter? I have a broken ankle. My daily way of living has been drastically altered, but I will not allow it to create more clutter for me. I will accept that I need to rest and be still at this season in my life, though it is hard for me.
Relational clutter? I have the gift of hospitality and serving others, but it is that, a gift, and I need to ask God more often about how I am to use it. I am a people pleaser and that means that I often decide who to entertain and serve rather than asking God. It can adversely affect the balance that God wants me to have in my life – figuratively and literally. I am physically off balance right now but hopefully, not for long.
SW questions: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify answers to your questions. What one clutter category did you choose to focus on? How did you make an honest attempt to slow down and be still for just one minute every day? How did Psalm 46:10 impact you about being more silent and knowing Him as God? Did the symbol of a lighthouse get your attention to slow down and be still or was it some other symbol that you consistently noticed was appearing? (In my case it was any kind of tubing, cording, or roping). Did the song Be still and Know, have any kind of influence on you? How does the seed you wanted to plant and your personal Scripture speak in to your clutter category?
These SW questions are meant to help you know God and yourself on a more intimate and deeper level. It is the Holy Spirit who guides us to know His truth as we partner with Him to explore our thoughts and feelings. These questions are not designed with the idea that you are to give some fuzzy, warm, right answer. Your thoughts or feelings may be quite the opposite. Let go of judging your answers and allow the truth of what you think and feel to be expressed.
This coming week, I hope you will make the effort to apply the ♥ points that are outlined above. They are to guide you in learning how to slow down and be still and heal the clutter in your life. Keep in mind that this will be a life long process as you continue to know God and spend time with Him. Next week I will introduce you to CHG # 2. You will discover how loving the Lord lessens your clutter.
A number of you have personally expressed to me that you have wanted to start the journaling, but it has not yet happened. If you are thinking of it as a “to do,” then I would encourage you to change your thinking. Let go of the idea that it is a “to do” and replace it with the thought of how you are going to be blessed.
Before I share some final teaching on CHG #1, I thought it might help if I gave an example of my own journaling in response to the SW questions and answers. I included the original questions so it would make it easier for you to follow. Hopefully, this will be a guide in helping you to begin your own journaling. Please note, my SW answers are in italics.
Wed. 5/30/12
1. In one word, write down the thought that reflects why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog – Teaching
2. In one word, write down the feeling that relates to why you are choosing to read Red Wednesday’s Blog - Moved
3. Circle the one seed (healing, hope, love, truth) that you most want to plant as you consider how you answered your first two questions: Healing
4. As you reflect on the one seed that you want to plant, circle the one Scripture (Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 11:9, John 1:1, John 8:32) out of the following that most speaks to you in regards to the seed that you want to plant for yourself: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Wed. 6/6/12
How did the song “Draw Me Close” touch you? I heard “Draw Me Close” on the radio for the first time in years. I also came upon the Scripture in James 4:8 that reflected its title, “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.” The song and the Scripture affirmed for me that God was reaching down, taking my hand, and saying, “I am always here with you. You drew close to me Colleen, and I drew close to you.” I was healed from the cluttered emotions of sadness and disappointment of this past week and I am at peace!
Wed. 6/13/12
What visual did I get of my clutter? Chores
Wed. 6/20/12
Here is how I elaborated on chores being my clutter: It had to do with all of my outdoor chores and my needing to let go of the perfect completed look. I needed to be realistic about the full work week schedule that was already going to take place. By choosing to be still and let go of all the doing,, it enabled me to nurture myself and take in the beauty of my yard as it was, while enjoying conversation with neighbors passing by - a big change for me, because I often tell myself that I do not have time.
Wed. 6/27/12
I identified my clutter as outdoor chores, so I chose my clutter category to be situational. Those chores are now being taken care of by friends and neighbors because of my broken ankle.
Wed 7/4/12
Planting that seed of healing to lessen the clutter of my chores has sure come in a very unexpected manner. Being sick 4 times this year and now dealing with this broken ankle, I have come to realize that my healing is much bigger than this ankle. It is about letting go of this home. It is a bitter sweet pill to take, but it is a celebration of freedom, just like today, as we celebrate the birth and freedom of this God ordained country. God’s care and timing is perfect. In 6 days my home is under contract - no yard sign and no MLS listing! I wanted the seed of healing in my life and I am seeing it. My Scripture for that seed is to remember hat God has His plan for me, Jeremiah29:11.
As indicated by last week’s post, I have really been made to slow down as a result of my ankle being broken. I can tell you that I am more intentional than ever to move slowly because there is to be no weight bearing on that ankle for two more weeks, and I am very much challenged with the crutches when it comes to balance and strength. Talk about slowing down and to think before you move! I have gained a new appreciation for CHG #1 in being still, I am doing a lot more sitting than I have ever bee accustomed to and I have an even deeper empathy for you precious people in wheelchairs. Maybe now you can better understand why I am lead to teach this stuff. My experiences have been my best teachers and lessons.
If you will recall, my outdoor chores were symptomatic of my clutter category being situational. And because of my broken ankle, I no longer have those chores demanding me of my energy. So as we finish up with CHG #1, I want to give some reinforcement to what I have already shared with you in previous teaching.
Your clutter will never go away but you can learn to lessen it and mange it. And if you choose to accept and follow the 12 CHG’S you will develop a deep, caring, and loving relationship with God The Father, His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. And because of those relationships you will know and feel the peace of God’s Simplicity, Order, and Nurturance, even in the overwhelming midst of your clutter.
What can I say? Accidents happen, and I had a terrible one. My left ankle got trapped into the sweeper tubing that is used for vacuuming my pool. And as my foot made a major twist, into the pool I went. I have a serious fracture of my lower fibula. It is the bone that runs along the outside of your leg. We are praying that there will be no surgery, and that I will heal in 6-8 weeks.
Now, if it was not for my relationship with the Lord and what He has taught me through the 12 CHG’S, I would be a MESS. I have certainly been slowed down to be still. And here are the points that I wish to make as I apply CHG # 1 to my own cluttered situation.
♥ I was not moving fast but I was distracted. I was not completely focused on the chore at hand. I usually vacuum when I am alone. I had company.
♥ This was not the Lord’s doing. God is love and His plan is never to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus even warns us in John 16:33 that we will have trials and sorrows BUT, we are to take heart, because he has overcome the world. In other words, no matter what I may face or what I am going through, I find my peace in Jesus. I love what Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
♥ We live in a world where the enemy wants and needs to destroy us. If we did not live in a sinful fallen world accidents would be nonexistent. We live in a world that is not yet heaven.
♥ Our best intentions do not keep us from being hurt and feeling pain.
♥ Needs vs. wants becomes a priority if we want to lessen our clutter. My daughter and her family were to come to Cincinnati last week. Her husband and daughter came down with colds. With my low immunity we both knew that their coming was not healthy for me. It was hard, sad, and disappointing to admit that we needed to postpone our visit even though we wanted to be together and I needed help. But you know what? We were at peace with our decision, because in our slowing down to pray and to look at our past history, we knew what we needed to do to prevent the clutter of me getting sick again. And by the way, friends have blessed me CONSTANTLY with their help and support.
♥ Let go of saying “I can’t,” “I won’t,” “I don’t.” Remember, words are thoughts before they are spoken. Replace your negative thinking with positive thoughts of, “I can,” “I will,” “I do.” Here is how I have applied that teaching to my present situation: “I can safely get up those steep on my knees and go down them on my bumbum. I will keep the weight off my left foot so I do not need surgery. I will choose to make those crutches my friend and not curse them.
♥ Stop “shoulding” on yourself by saying, “I should!” Replace it with what I need. Here is what I am saying: I need to accept all the help that my neighbors are offering and express an attitude of gratitude. It is very humbling for me to ask, and it is one of the CHG’S.
♥ Practice saying, “no”. Remember, you can say “no” without saying the word. An example: I am so sorry. I would love to do that for you but at this time I need to focus my energy on me getting healthy.
♥ Practice silence, Psalm 46:10. Speak less and listen more.
♥ Keep your eye on God and not your circumstance.
Keep in mind that all the clutter categories are intertwined, but for simplicity we are focusing on just one clutter category. My clutter category is situational BUT here is the effect it has had in each area:
Material clutter? I am buying less because my mobility is limited. Less stuff and more money. I am selling my home!
Mental clutter? I am choosing to focus on God and His Word rather than my circumstance of a broken ankle that leads to self pity and being negative. God’s Word has taught me that when I carry heavy burdens He will give me rest and He will teach me how to do that according to Matthew 11:28-30.
Emotional clutter? I have had to deal with sadness but I am also excited as I anticipate the new order that God has for me as I go through the transition of a move.
Situational clutter? The energy required to do chores is being lessened.
Spiritual clutter? I live and breathe God’s Word. I know He is in control of my life.
Physical health clutter? I have a broken ankle. My daily way of living has been drastically altered, but I will not allow it to create more clutter for me. I will accept that I need to rest and be still at this season in my life, though it is hard for me.
Relational clutter? I have the gift of hospitality and serving others, but it is that, a gift, and I need to ask God more often about how I am to use it. I am a people pleaser and that means that I often decide who to entertain and serve rather than asking God. It can adversely affect the balance that God wants me to have in my life – figuratively and literally. I am physically off balance right now but hopefully, not for long.
SW questions: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify answers to your questions. What one clutter category did you choose to focus on? How did you make an honest attempt to slow down and be still for just one minute every day? How did Psalm 46:10 impact you about being more silent and knowing Him as God? Did the symbol of a lighthouse get your attention to slow down and be still or was it some other symbol that you consistently noticed was appearing? (In my case it was any kind of tubing, cording, or roping). Did the song Be still and Know, have any kind of influence on you? How does the seed you wanted to plant and your personal Scripture speak in to your clutter category?
These SW questions are meant to help you know God and yourself on a more intimate and deeper level. It is the Holy Spirit who guides us to know His truth as we partner with Him to explore our thoughts and feelings. These questions are not designed with the idea that you are to give some fuzzy, warm, right answer. Your thoughts or feelings may be quite the opposite. Let go of judging your answers and allow the truth of what you think and feel to be expressed.
This coming week, I hope you will make the effort to apply the ♥ points that are outlined above. They are to guide you in learning how to slow down and be still and heal the clutter in your life. Keep in mind that this will be a life long process as you continue to know God and spend time with Him. Next week I will introduce you to CHG # 2. You will discover how loving the Lord lessens your clutter.
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