June 30, 2012

To keep things a bit less cluttered in my life currently, I had to take a break from working on Red Wednesday's Widsom this week, due to an actual break that happened to my ankle! Check back next Wednesday as we continue to look at Clutter Healing Guideline #1, and in the meantime, please be praying for my fast healing and recovery and keep plugging away at your SW.

June 20, 2012

Red Wednesday's Widsom - CHG #1, Part Two

Slow Down and Be Still
First of all, I would like to slow down and be still with you by praying.

Father God, we thank you for showing us this past week where we needed to slow down so we could become more patient with You, ourselves, and one another.  You tell us in 1 Corinthians 13:1 that love is patient.  It is the first word that You use to show me what love looks like.  Boy Lord, I am so impatient!  I want to pray fast, eat fast, talk fast, walk fast, and be in a relationship fast!  I want a fast computer, a fast phone, and a fast fax.  I want a fast car and a fast plane.  I want to shop, shop, shop, move, move, move, till I drop, drop, drop!  I want everything FAST – fast food, and a fast drive through.  I want, want, want.  I want this and I want that!  Help me Lord, to slow down enough to hear You say what I need, need, need, vs. what I want, want, want.

What do you think is the #1 word that people use to describe how they think or feel about their clutter?  If you said "overwhelmed," you are correct.  How would you describe overwhelmed?  The dictionary says that it means to pour down and bury beneath, or to crush.  So being overwhelmed can make us think and feel like we are being poured down, buried, or crushed.
Being overwhelmed is often the result of taking on too much and doing it too fast. We pile up so much on ourselves that we feel overwhelmed by all of our doing!

In order to lessen that feeling of being overwhelmed, I would like to start out by having you slow down and reflect on what you found out about yourself this past week.  How did you make an honest attempt to slow down or be still for just one minute every day?  How did this slowing down change or transform you?  Did your change influence someone else?  Notice that I said influence and not change.   I want to reinforce what I said last week.  You can only change yourself. You can not change another.  When change takes place in you, it can influence others, but it is up to each individual to decide if he or she is motivated to change themselves.

The one word that I used to describe my clutter from last week was “chores.”  More specifically it had to do with all of my outdoor chores.  Here was my thinking at the beginning of this past week.  I wanted to get all my chores done by Father’s Day weekend, since I was expecting company, but I needed to be patient with myself.  I needed to let go of the want to have the perfect completed look.  I needed to be realistic about the full work week schedule that was already going to take place.  By choosing to be still and let go of all the doing, it enabled me to nurture myself and take in the beauty of my yard as it was, while enjoying conversation with neighbors passing by - a big change for me, because I often tell myself that I do not have time.

So as we continue to reflect on the answers that we have gathered about ourselves over this past week, I am now going to ask you to consider what one clutter category best represents where you are at this time in your life. 

I have classified clutter into 7 categories, and I use this acronym:  MMESS PR


After each category you will see some examples of the signs/symptoms for that clutter category.  Please note that the signs and symptoms that are listed are simply that, examples. No sign or symptom is specific to a certain category.  Let me clarify.  Scattered may be a sign/symptom that gets reflected in more than one category.  It can be the sign/symptom of someone's mental clutter and for someone else it could reflect their emotional clutter. 

Material:  paper, clothes, toys, laundry
Mental:  scattered, conflicting beliefs, low self worth or value, negativity
Emotional:  anger, shame, depression, isolation, judging, criticizing
Situational:  divorce, moving, death, job loss, finances
Spiritual:  religiosity, psychics, horoscopes, numerology, over serving

Physical Health:  weight/food issues, cancer, addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking)
Relational:  dating, marriage, parenting, work relations

Please keep in mind that these clutter categories along with their signs and symptoms are all intertwined with one another.   You have clutter in all of these categories and it comes at you in different ways and at different times throughout your life.  By breaking down the concept of clutter into these seven categories, we are breaking down the big picture of what is stress. 

When we look at the whole big picture and think we have to deal with it all at one time, we don't know where to start, and that is what causes us to think and feel overwhelmed.  It’s too much to tackle.  It's like seeing the drawing of a new house you are going to build and thinking that you have to build the whole house all at the same time.  It doesn't work that way.  You have to break down the building of that home in a step by step process to accomplish the end result or you will be the one that ends up being broken down.

Your SW for this coming week is to choose the one clutter category that most reflects that area in your life that prompted you to slow down and be still last week.  This is the area of clutter that most needs your attention in your life right now.  As you focus on your clutter category, write it down, and then record some of your thoughts as you ask your self how the Scripture from Psalm 46:10, “Be silent and know that I am God,” speaks to you personally about your clutter category.  This is the Scripture that backs up our need to slow down and be still.  Do you remember what seed you waned to plant?  Go back and look up the answer you wrote from your first SW.  Was it healing, hope, love, or Truth?  As reinforcement for yourself, write down the seed you wanted to plant in relationship to the clutter category you have now chosen to focus on.  This will help you to begin to seeing the fruit of your planting.

Psalm 46:10 reminds me to be quiet so I can listen.  When I am quiet I can listen to what God is saying through His word, His creation, my experiences, and others.  When I am quiet I can better hear what I say to myself through my thoughts.  And when I practice the discipline of keeping my mouth closed, I am able to better hear what others are speaking.  This Scripture also reinforces my need for knowledge.  It says know that I am God.  In other words, I am not God, God is God, and God really wants me to think about being quiet and Him being God.  When I meditate on what God is telling me, I am applying that knowledge about Him being God to my thoughts and it will change me.  Remember what we learned from last week: knowledge + application = change

My clutter will always build up when I attempt to do too much, do it too fast, or I am too busy to slow down.  My clutter builds up when I do not still myself to be renewed, refreshed, and relaxed.  Therefore, when I slow down and I when I still myself, I lessen my clutter.

In terms of symbolism, the lighthouse is a symbol that God has often used with me, and others, to get our attention to slow down and be still.  Whenever I see one, whether it is a picture or an actual lighthouse, I am reminded that God is God, and He is the Lighthouse that directs me at all times, especially in my darkness when I am alone, or when I am overwhelmed by the storms of life.  See if He uses the lighthouse to get your attention to remember that He is God, and that He is the One who will direct your steps to slow down and be still in Him.  If not a lighthouse, it may be this song by Steven Curtis Chapman called Be Still and Know.  

June 13, 2012

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - CHG #1, Part One

Slow Down and Be Still
Prior to writing today’s Red Wednesday’s Wisdom, I stilled myself by spending some time in prayer and reflection.  As a result of that slowing down, I wanted to share what came to me through Pastor Tony Evan’s daily e-mail devotion.  And to put it quite simply, had I not slowed down to be still with the Lord, I would have missed what God wanted to say to me, and particularly as it pertains to this blog!  Today’s devotion was just one example of the many ways that God affirms for me that I am on His path, heeding His calling.

Last week I taught you about journaling and what you can learn through God’s Holy Spirit when you write down your one word responses or phrases that are reflective of your answers to the SW.  This morning’s devotion began with these words. “Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord” (Exodus 24:4), and then Pastor Evans went on to say that Moses did not want to miss or forget anything that God was telling him.

I can not tell you how excited I got!   Whenever I hear God specifically and personally speaking to me through His written Word and His Holy Spirit, I continue to be in awe.  Just think about it, the God of the universe wants to talk to us!  It is so unfathomable, but the Bible, which is inclusive of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), was inspired through God’s Holy Spirit!  The Bible remains the # 1 best selling book, and it contains God’s most personal love letters that have been written to each and every one of us!

So with that little side note, grab your journal and pen as we prepare to slow down.  Take some time to slowly breathe in and slowly breathe out so you can get that oxygen flowing to your brain.  Now take a moment to think, and consider the visual that comes to mind as you ponder on the word "clutter."  Write down your thought in one word.   If you then want to elaborate on your one word go right ahead.  For the majority of you there was an immediate mental picture of the pile ups and build ups of material “stuff” - mail, paperwork, laundry, dishes, or toys.  My one word would have been "chores."  Maybe your word was "paperwork."

Remember when I told you last week that clutter = stress?  I am going to help you see how specific we can be in identifying our stress when we rethink of it in terms of what builds up and piles up not only with our possessions, but also in our heads and hearts, as well as situationaly, spiritually, physically and mentally.  All you have to do is look at the expression on this face and you can sense that there is way more clutter going on than meets the eye!

Build ups and pile ups take place first and foremost in our heads, where we are bombarded with unlimited thoughts.  Those thoughts can then give way to an endless array of built up emotions and feelings that get stored up in our hearts.  Thoughts and feelings directly influence the numerous situations that we find ourselves piling into.  Add to all of this the bewildering pileup of spiritual beliefs systems, and you will see the ripple effect of what builds up inside of our bodies that adversely affects our physical health, and spreads to a build up of damaged relationships.

Looking at clutter from this point of view helps us to more clearly see that it can encompass every aspect of our lives.  As we look at stress in the light of defining it as clutter, I hope you will be better prepared to see what is robbing you from living with simplicity, order and nurturance.

Slow down and reflect on this:
♥ Clutter is anything that builds up or piles up around us.
♥ Clutter is anything that builds up or piles up inside of us.
♥ Our outward clutter reflects our inward clutter.
♥ Clutter is directly related to the build-up or pile-up of how we think and feel.
♥ Clutter is the build-up or pile-up of “pushing off” or “putting off” the making of a decision.  In one word, we "avoid" or "procrastinate" the making of a decision.  In one phrase, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
♥ Clutter causes confusion, chaos, and disorder within us and around us.
♥ Clutter can reflect the barriers of sin that come between us and God.

To summarize, our outward environment reflects what we think and feel on the inside. Therefore, our outward clutter is a reflection of the clutter that is going on inside of us. And here is the truth about clutter, it is always coming at you just like the mail, whether it is snail mail or e-mail.  Clutter never goes away but, we can learn how to manage it and lessen it. 

How do we manage and lessen the clutter?  We will start by slowing down, and I will for warn you, this is a Clutter Healing Guideline (CHG) that is a foundational life skill for living in a very fast paced world.  We are going to spend some very precious time in learning how to do this.  So, in your journal, and even on a post it note, write down the following equation:  Knowledge + Application = Change.  Over the next week, take just one minute each day to remind yourself to slow down and think about how change pertains specifically to you and not someone else.

Knowledge without application is useless.  And when you are introduced next week to the 7 categories of clutter, you will begin to gain the knowledge that you need and the opportunity to apply that knowledge.  You will be able to lessen, manage, and heal your clutter, and that will bring about a transformation that is life changing.

Here is the challenge for you this up coming week as you still yourself to reflect these three truths about change: 
♥ You can only change you.
♥ You can not change another.
♥ True change, true transformation, comes through God’s power source, His Holy Spirit.

This week let’s make a conscientious effort to honestly assess where we need to slow down and/or be still.  Maybe it has to do with our scheduling, driving, talking, reacting, spending, serving, pleasing.  Ask God to help you identify that one area in your life that needs to change, and then write it down for yourself in just one word.

The first guideline to healing any kind of clutter is to slow down and be still.  We have build ups and pile ups in our life because we are doing everything way too fast and we think there is no time to slow sown or to quiet ourselves.  Here is the Scripture that God speaks to us in backing up this first Clutter Healing Guideline, which will be referred to as CHG from here on out.  “Be silent, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). I look forward to breaking this Scripture down for you next week as we continue to explore CHG #1.

June 6, 2012

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Journaling

As we get connected to one another through this blog, I am going to suggest that from here on out you consider buying yourself a journal.  It can be as simple as a paper tablet.  And if you have any kind of hesitation to doing this because you hate to write, I want to put your mind at ease.  The journaling or writing that I am talking about is simply related to one word thoughts or feelings, and sometimes it consists of just a phrase or sentence. 

Last week I introduced you to Spirit Work (SW).  The journal is a great place to begin recording your answers to that SW and to the ones that will follow.  If you begin to write your SW answers in one place you will start to see the story that the Holy Spirit wants to reveal to you about yourself.  Consider using the journal like you would use a container.  You are going to use it to gather your thoughts and feelings. 

Writing is actually one of the guidelines for lessening and healing the clutter in your life.  Think of your “to do list,” it is a great example of this.  When your “to do list” is put down on paper it gives you more clarity and direction.  It can actually save you space, time, energy, and money.  That is what journaling is all about.  It gives you a more clear direction in how to live your day to day life with the Holy Spirit guiding you. 

So I hope you get that journal book and begin to write down your answers to last week’s SW.  I then want you to look at those answers and consider if they had any bearing on what took place in your life from last week to this week.  How did that one thought, feeling, seed, or Scripture influence you or not influence you?  How did the song Draw Me Close touch you?  

Here is an example of how I would  respond to the question in regards to the song.  I “happened” to hear that song on the radio this past week.  I had not heard it for a long time.  I then came upon the Scripture in James 4:8 that reflected the title, “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.”  This past week was filled with much sadness and disappointment concerning a loved one.  Consequently, I knew that I needed a couple of days to be by myself and in God’s presence.  This song and Scripture came after my two days of quiet time.  It affirmed for me that God was reaching down, taking my hand and saying, “I am always here with you.  You drew close to me Colleen, and I drew close to you.”  I was healed from the cluttered emotions of sadness and disappointment, and I am at peace!

I am just about ready to dig in to your specific clutter, but there are five points that I want to reinforce as the Holy Spirit prepares us to take this journey through our clutter. 

♥ Truth
Truth can only be found in God’s Word.  Truth comes from what God says, and not what man says or thinks it should be.  John 14:17 says, “He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.”

With the vast number of cluttered divorces, broken families, wounded relationships and the wide spread addiction to drugs, alcohol and sex, we have all been personally and adversely affected.  We desperately need God’s Word to guide us through these tumultuous issues that I refer to as clutter.

Jesus said in John 14:6.  “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Jesus is the only one who can direct my path because He is truth and He is life.  Every breath that I take is because He is the life Giver!  The Truth of God’s Word continually teaches me to look at life from God’s view point and not mine.

♥ Prevention
As a Nurse I want to help you in knowing how to prevent the problems that create your clutter.  I want to equip you with the tools that will help you to take better care of your physical health so you can lessen the burden of disease, sickness, and illness that can clutter your body, mind, spirit and the environment that you live and work in.

Clutter = Stress
Clutter = Build ups and Pile ups

Clutter is anything that builds up or piles up on the outside of our bodies as well as on the inside of our bodies.  In my years as both a nurse and patient I can tell you that the word stress has been used as a nonspecific catch all for many of the symptoms that cause people to seek medical help.  I define clutter as being equal to stress, and I will get very specific in helping you to identify the cause of those build ups and pile ups so you can know how to become healthier. 

♥ Nurturance
I also want to focus on prioritizing your need for nurturance.  It can be very difficult to nurture and care for others if you are not first taking care of yourself.  We have been erroneous in thinking that loving and taking care of ourselves is selfish.  To be selfish is to have no regard or interest for anyone but me!  Nurturance has to do with self love and it means that I nourish my physical and emotional needs.  Giving yourself permission to take care of you, to nurture you, is not selfish.  You need to know how to care for your own health if you are going to effectively care about the health of others. 

♥ Conservation
As a professional organizer I want to help you better manage the clutter of everyday life and to help you conserve your STEM – your Space, Time, Energy, and Money.
For most of you, your biggest expense will be where you live, but many of you avoid going there at all costs, and it’s because you are so overwhelmed by all your “stuff!”  I want to help you to know how you can change that for yourself and create a place that says, “Welcome Home!

♥ Guidelines
As a Biblical coach/counselor, I want to help you become more aware of how to care for your spiritual health.  Whether you believe it or not you have an enemy and it is not each other!  This enemy is a spirit that desires to steal, kill, and destroy your entire life.
Talk about clutter!   As you learn to draw into a loving relationship with God, yourself, and others, you will be armored to move against this enemy instead of God, yourself, and other people.

I will guide you in knowing how to apply the “Twelve Clutter Healing Guidelines.”  Each guideline is based on God’s Word.  These guidelines are the tools in your tool box, but they only work to your advantage if you use them every day.  They are the tools to use if you want to prevent and manage the clutter of day to day living.

In my thirty plus years of nursing, organizing, coaching, and counseling, I can say this with confidence and authority, CLUTTER will literally rob you of your health, home, family, heart and work.  I know it all too well.  It happened to me and it does not need to stay that way for me or for you!

I hope and pray that you make the decision to nurture yourself - get that journal and write in last week’s SW and then get ready for a new way of living.  God’s voice is shouting out to you “Prepare a straight pathway for My coming,” John 1:23.  Can you hear Him?