April 25, 2012

Red Wednesday's Widsom - Son and Stem

This post’s teaching is going to help you learn how to declutter, heal and rebuild your life with new thinking and behaviors so that you can experience the Simplicity, Order and Nurturance that can only come through God’s Son, Jesus. The story and life of Jesus, as found in the Bible, serves as the example that we can follow so we can experience His:
Order &

When I looked back at my own life, I came to realize how this SON had been a three step process, but it happened in this order:
Step 1 - The Nurturance came out of my desire to be a nurse and to care for the hurting.
Step 2 - The Order came out of my vision to start my own business and see it evolve into an organizing business.
Step 3 - The Simplicity came out of my spiritual brokenness and need for God.

In my teaching I speak a lot about symbolism. Jesus was always using symbolism in his teaching and in His parables. In my Home Touched business and ministry, the rose is my logo. Originally it symbolized the personal touches that I brought to my clients, but as the years went by, I came to realize that the rose represented much more:
♥ It is a reflection of God’s love for me (for you).
♥ It symbolizes the fruit that He wants to produce in me (in you).
♥ It reflects the personal touch that He gives to me (to you) as I continue to grow in lessening the clutter in my own life.
The stem of the rose has also become very significant in my teaching as it reflects the fruit that will result in you conserving your own STEM:
Energy &

In the weeks that follow, you will be introduced to “The Twelve Clutter Healing Guidelines.” They are the practical tools for bringing Simplicity, Order and Nurturance into your life so you can have more Space, Time, Energy, and Money. It is a process that I have learned to appreciate as being gradual, purposeful, watchful, and waitful.

Are you familiar with what is called a PDR? It stands for Physician’s Desk Reference. It is THE medical reference to drugs. It provides product information as it relates to drug usage, actions, effect, dosage, administration, warnings, side effects, and precautions.

The Bible is our spiritual PDR. It has the same kind of information as the medical PDR but, it gives you the preventative approach to avoiding and minimizing the use of chemical drugs. The Bible has been personally handed down to us by God, who is the Almighty Physician and Healer. It is our PDR for recovery, because it is God’s Word. And because God’s Word is alive, it breathes life and love into each and every one of us who seek true healing, hope, love, and truth. God’s Word provides us with an answer to every problem and need that has ever existed, and a plan of action to deal with it. I continue to be in awe and thanksgiving for the way God uses His Word to heal us of the messes that are the result of our cluttered way of thinking and living.

If you want a Bible that really touches the heart and is easy to read and understand, I encourage you to purchase The Life Recovery Bible (New Living Translation). This is the Bible that the Holy Spirit led me to use as I developed the Clutter Healing Curriculum and its model for healing.

All of my scripture quotes are from this Bible unless otherwise noted. Next week we are going to start addressing how to declutter our communication with one another.

April 18, 2012

Red Wednesday's Widsom - Healing the Clutter

When I started Home Touched in 1987, I saw myself as a traditional nurse taking on a very nontraditional nursing role. My focus was to bring preventative health into the home and/or work setting.

For more than 25 years, families and individuals have been welcoming me into their very personal and private lives. I have been blessed with the awesome opportunity and responsibility to be actively and intimately involved with the day to day challenges that people face at home and at work. My job is to help people examine their habits and behaviors, as well as their thoughts and feelings. This is an important part of the assessment process that helps us in developing and implementing a practical plan to live with less clutter and more simplicity.

The needs in families and businesses are numerous. And in my business, those needs get manifested over a period of many years and pretty much in this order:

Is there a need related to physical, mental, or emotional challenges? I serve as a nurse.
Is there a need for food? I serve as a caterer or dietician.
Is there a need for entertainment? I serve as a party planner.
Is there a need for home accenting? I serve as a decorator.
Is there a need for cleaning? I serve as a maidservant.
Is there disorder within the family, home or business? I serve as an organizer and manager.
Is there an upcoming move? I provide the team from start to finish.
Are there relational issues? I serve as a coach.
Are there spiritual issues? I serve as a touch from God.

Regardless of a client’s needs, I help them to lessen the clutter that can lead to illness, accidents, and breakups.

Because of Red Wednesday’s Wisdom, you have heard bits and pieces of my own cluttered story. In the earlier years of my business, it was a very shocking revelation when I realized that the closets needing to be cleaned out and organized belonged to me and not one of my client’s! Those closets had been so well hidden that I didn’t even know about them! They were buried deep within the chambers of my mind and heart and I had stuffed them with a lifetime of messed up relationships. In my head I thought I needed to be perfect and in control. In my heart I felt unloved, unworthy, and betrayed. I was a cluttered mess!

WARNING: Perfectionism looks like order on the outside but it is a symptom of being very cluttered up on the inside.

When I questioned who was going to nurture and care for me, as I did for my clients, I made the only turn I knew to make. I turned to the God who I had learned about all of my life - The Great Organizer and Healer Himself!

Red Wednesday’s Wisdom is about the fire and power of God’s Holy Spirit being at work in our lives. So I want to share with you what the Holy Spirit has taught me as He has guided me, worked with me, and healed me through the clutter of my own life. He wants to do in your life what He has done for me. My prayer is that you will stretch yourself and remain open to His guidance and direction. He wants to bless you every day for the rest of your life as you tackle any problem or issue on a day to day basis. I refer to those problems and issues as clutter.

Clutter is something we can all visualize and relate to as we think about or see the daily pile up or build up of papers, mail, homework, laundry, dishes toys, etc.

It was through my organizational part of my business that I learned how to broaden the concept of clutter so that it encompassed every aspect of our lives. By defining clutter as anything that piles up or builds up, I hope you will begin to see the simplicity of approaching life with this whole new perspective and understanding, so you can better care for yourself and others.

I have learned that we are all in need of healing and recovery from something, and I call that something clutter. We will all need that healing until the day that we die. How much healing we want is totally up to us, but I can tell you that God the Father wants to give us way more than we ask Him for. God wants to use Red Wednesday’s Wisdom to bring you the healing that you don’t even know you need. He wants to draw you into a deeper and more personal relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. God desires to connect with you on a very personal level so you can experience His healing touch and be equipped with the power of His Holy Spirit. Jesus says in John 14:26 “But when the Father sends the Counselor, as my representative – and by the Counselor I mean the Holy Spirit – he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I myself have told you.”

This coming week, make the investment to believe in the promise of this Scripture and see the return it personally brings into you life!

The lyrics to this song called Welcome Home, by Shaun Groves reflects the clutter that is inside all of us. See how its words touch you and speak to you.

Take, me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking

Welcome to this heart of mine
I've buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I've made
Inside of me
Come decorate, Lord

Open up the creaking door
And walk upon the dusty floor
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remain
Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricaded

Come inside this heart of mine
It's not my own
Make it home
Come and take this heart and make it
All Your own
Welcome home

Take a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet's filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I'm overwhelmed, I understand
I can't make this place all that You can

I took the space that You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and still You knocked

Take me, make me
All You want me to be
That's all I'm asking, all I'm asking

April 11, 2012

Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Clutter

Through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I launched the Home Touched blog site called Red Wednesday’s Wisdom in August 2011, and over the next 8 months I shared my very personal, intimate and humbling stories of the clutter in my own life. I hope that by sharing those stories, it has helped you to recognize some of the clutter in your own life.

So in these next upcoming months, I am going to do some gear shifting. The focus will be more on teaching, in addition to some of the story telling. I will share what I have learned through my stories so that the clutter in your life can also be revealed and healed as it was in mine through God’s Son, Jesus and His:

Order, &

Here is the key to experiencing less clutter in your life, and it all starts with your mind!
♥ stretch yourself
♥ step out of your comfort zone
♥ examine your belief system as it relates to truth or lies
♥ replace your old thinking with a clean slate of new thinking
♥ base your new thinking on God’s Word

I challenge you to stretch yourself by going to one Scripture in God’s Word every morning. This means that you let go of the comfort of your daily routine for just 1 minute! Here is the Scripture that I encourage you to say every morning that will give you discernment about truth and lies so that you can replace your old thinking with the new thinking that is based on God’s Word. It’s from Romans 12:2, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

I hope you will make the decision to take on this challenge. You will be amazed at how your life is going to become less cluttered.

I close with the following prayer. You may want to use it before going to bed at night. Prayer is simply communication with God, so it will always draw us nearer to Him.

In the name of You, Father God, Your Son Jesus, and through Your Holy Spirit, I ask that You open my ears to what You need me to hear. Open my mind to what You want me to think and open my heart to what You want me to feel. Open my eyes to what You need me to see, open my mouth to what are Your words and Your tone of voice. Use my hands to be Your hands and use my feet to take me where You want me to go.

Thank you Father for the new seeds that we are about to plant as we learn to share who we are with one another and experience Your simplicity, order, and nurturance through Your SON, who always brings healing to our sometimes cluttered and messy ways of living.

April 4, 2012

Red Wednesdsay's Wisdom - Shielded

As I go through the course of my every day life, there are times when I just simply need to retreat. So, when I heard a number of clear messages telling me to step back from writing last week’s posting, I retreated. There are times when we just need to be renewed and strengthened, and especially for the unforeseen battles that lie ahead. This is also an important and necessary strategy in war. It can be the shield that keeps me from entering into a dangerous position or coming under enemy attack, and ultimately, it affords me the opportunity to experience God’s peace, quiet, and solitude.

After going through my own war of physical and spiritual breaking, I took an entire year to retreat, and I learned how to be shielded against future enemy attacks. Every day was filled with praying, meditating, journaling, studying, and absorbing the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:13-18 has taught me and motivated me to be prepared for the wars that I have had to face. This scripture says, "Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will stand firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. Put on salvation as our helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit." These verses from Ephesians became so important and powerful to me that I wrote them out, and then I made them my morning battle cry of protection in my own personal prayer, it can be yours too.

Shielded By Faith in Jesus

Father God, I thank You for Your Son Jesus, who is my Godly armor. Every piece of armor that I put on points me in the direction of Your Son . I put on Your armor to resist the enemy in times of evil, so that after the battle I will be standing firm. I stand my ground by putting on the sturdy belt of truth, the truth that can only be found in Your Word. I put on the body armor, the breastplate of righteousness, not my righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I walk in the shoes of peace and the preparation that comes from the Good News, not the news that I am bombarded with from the TV or internet. In every battle (and they can be daily), I take up my shield of faith in You to stop the fiery arrows that are aimed at me by Satan. I put on the helmet of salvation that constantly reminds me of You being my Savior. I take the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word, knowing that it cuts through any deception, falsehood, or lie! And I pray at all times in the power of Your Holy Spirit.

This week we celebrate the holiest of weeks in the calendar year. As we enter into Passover and Resurrection Sunday, I want to share some verses from the Old Testament. They confirm that God and His Word are always our shield.

Psalm 3:2-3 “But you O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high. I cried out to the Lord and he answered me from his holy mountain.”

Psalm 28:7 “The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger.”

Psalm 33:20 “We depend on the Lord alone to save us. Only he can help us, protecting us like a shield.”

Psalm 91:4 “He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”

Psalm 119:114 “You are my refuge and my shield: your word is my only source of hope.”

Proverbs 30:5 (NIV) “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”

This past Sunday, Palm Sunday, I heard the song “Amazing Grace” on three different occasions. The Holy Spirit was obviously using this song to get my attention, because as often as I have heard this song, I did not realize that the word shield was in the second stanza: “The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures.” So I want to bless you with these lyrics and the song, “Amazing Grace” by Chris Tomlin. May you be shielded and protected by dressing your self in the whole armor of God and not just some of it.

Have a blessed Passover and Resurrection Sunday!