Have you ever thought about the word rock and its meaning in your life? For some of you it might be connected to a person or thing. For others it could be related to how you think or feel - how bright you are, how much you make, what you have, or how successful you are. Does your life depend upon that rock? Does it give you security? And how would life change for you if your rock was removed?
In my high school religion classes, we often discussed the meaning of the latest pop music in relationship to biblical truths. Simon and Garfunkel at that time, had come out with the song called, I am a Rock. We listened to it in our class, and I don’t remember the specifics of our discussion, but I do recall how thought provoking those lyrics have always been to me. So here they are, and click here if you would like to hear the song. See how they touch you:
A winter’s day, in a deep and dark December,
I am alone, gazing from my window to the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
I am a rock, I am an island
I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain
I am a rock, I am an island.
Don't talk of love, well I've heard the words before;
It's sleeping in my memory
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died
If I never loved I never would have cried
I am a rock, I am an island
I have my books and my poetry to protect me;
I am shielded in my armor, hiding in my room, safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me
I am a rock, I am an island
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries
It doesn’t take very long to recognize that the feelings of pain, loss, loneliness, and isolation are being clearly conveyed through the poetic words of this song.
When I teach about the twelve guidelines that lessen the clutter in our lives, I use a rock as one of the symbols to represent the guideline that tells me to embrace change and set goals patiently. Just like the paper piles that can build up, so can the emotions of pain, loss, loneliness and isolation. Ultimately, our hearts can become hard, just like rock, unless we are willing to embrace those feelings. But how do you embrace pain, loss, loneliness, and isolation with open acceptance and the arms that loving and endearingly hug those emotions? I know of only one way, and it is by my embracing the rock that is referred to throughout the Bible. I love how David sung about that rock in Psalm 18:2, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” David sung these words as he was being hunted down by his enemies and betrayed by King Saul, the man whom he had loved. David’s song is quite different from the one that was sung by Simon and Garfunkel.
There was a time when the rock in my life was not the rock that David described. I equated my rock with what gave me security. I found security in my career, having a certain amount of money, having a husband to care for me and our children, and living in a beautiful home. But when all of that security was taken away, all I could see was me and a faint glimmer of God. I felt like the rock that no longer knew how to feel, and I felt like the island that stood on its own. Like the song, I am a Rock, I was all messed up with so many cluttered thoughts and emotions. Truth be told, I was still feeling something, even if it didn’t feel good! Deep down inside of me, I knew those emotions would not serve me; they would only keep me enslaved. And those feelings did change over time, but with patience, as I made the decision to embrace a new way of thinking. I was renewed and changed because I opened my heart to the loving arms of Jesus. He taught me that ultimately He is the only One who can be my true security and my solid strong Rock.
So, as you take time to reflect on the rock in your own life, I hope you will be renewed and changed as you consider embracing your situation with The Rock who will make a way for you out of your pain, loss, loneliness and isolation. God did it for me and He wants to do it for you!
The following song is used in my teaching as I help people to lessen the clutter in their own lives by embracing change and setting goals patiently. I hope you will find yourself embracing The Rock as you patiently listen.
January 25, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Rock
January 18, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - Renewed
This past Sunday I woke up thinking, “What in the world is the word for this week’s posting?” It had been so clear and obvious to me towards the middle of last week. So why couldn't I remember what the word was? My brain had obviously put it on the back burner because there were other things that needed my attention and priority. But as I got up out of bed, I picked up the Bible that once belonged to my grandmother. It had been lying open, and immediately I saw and read these words from Psalm 90:5-6, “Thou doest sweep men away; they are like a dream, like grass which is renewed in the morning: in the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers.” It was one of those moments when you are in awe of God proving that He and His Word are alive and present! God was saying, “Colleen, It’s ok if you don’t remember the word because I do remember. The word that I put on your heart is right here on this open page!” This is such a great example of the personal relationship that goes on between me and God and the relationship that He wants with each and every one of us! The memory lapse did not even last 5 minutes, and it was because I had chosen to go to God’s Word first before doing anything else. And did you notice that the word renewed was reinforced twice in just one sentence? God is the God of simplicity.
As I saw that word renewed in my grandmother’s Bible, it caused my memory to suddenly be renewed as well, and I was able to recall the incidence that took place last week that brought this word renewed to my spirit. It had been a phone conversation with my daughter, who had been under attack by her all too familiar enemy called anxiety. Her son’s reflux had significantly improved over the past 2 months, but now there was an increased incidence. Lauren was battling the anxious thoughts that were related to her son’s history of extreme reflux; 40-60 spit ups a day that ranged from small to massive explosions, continual wiping and scrubbing of people, their clothing, carpets, flooring, and miscellaneous items, three to four changes of clothing for her baby and the person who could be holding him, and ultimately three to four loads of laundry! Just writing about it can send you into a tailspin. Fortunately, Lauren had the discernment to know that the enemy’s first line of attack was on the battlefield of her mind. How did she know this? She knew what she had read over and over in God’s Word in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This version of the Scripture is from the NIV (New International Version). The NLT (New Living Translation) reads like this, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” To renew is to change.
So how did this Scripture help Lauren to battle the anxiety? First of all, it was her acknowledging that she did not want to handle this anxiety the way the world would tell her to handle it, which is to numb or escape the feeling with food, drink, drugs, shopping, or whatever the “fix” might be. So often we behave as though these are the cure alls but they aren't. They are simply temporary fixes. The cure all comes in asking God to change our thinking so that God’s thoughts actually become our thoughts, which directly influence our emotions so that they too can be renewed. Lauren also had to ask God to help her not dwell on the past, but to speak truth to what she knew right now, that she and her son are in God’s hands, and He is the Healer who heals his reflux and her anxiety now. It sounds too simple, but that is the simplicity of God when He is in charge of your thought life. Anxiety certainly is not simple, in fact, it is very complex and it will bring you down. Having the mind set of God lifts you up!
I am thankful that God used Psalm 90:5-6 to help me see that the word for this posting was renewed. But I also have to ask myself this question: What was this specific Scripture telling me in light of this word renewed? It tells me man can be compared to the dreams that we dream, or the sleep that we long for, they both will vanish. Like the grass that grows under our feet but withers and dies, so shall we. Our life spans are short, but there are also opportunities for renewal. When I looked up the definition of renew it means to make new, fresh, or strong again. Our life time on this earth is short, and to live it with anxiety is to shorten it even more. If you have a tendency to become anxious, then know that I am interceding on your behalf. I am asking God to help you in this battle by renewing your thinking. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then I am asking God to renew your thoughts about who He is so you can see how your life will be forever renewed through Him!
As I saw that word renewed in my grandmother’s Bible, it caused my memory to suddenly be renewed as well, and I was able to recall the incidence that took place last week that brought this word renewed to my spirit. It had been a phone conversation with my daughter, who had been under attack by her all too familiar enemy called anxiety. Her son’s reflux had significantly improved over the past 2 months, but now there was an increased incidence. Lauren was battling the anxious thoughts that were related to her son’s history of extreme reflux; 40-60 spit ups a day that ranged from small to massive explosions, continual wiping and scrubbing of people, their clothing, carpets, flooring, and miscellaneous items, three to four changes of clothing for her baby and the person who could be holding him, and ultimately three to four loads of laundry! Just writing about it can send you into a tailspin. Fortunately, Lauren had the discernment to know that the enemy’s first line of attack was on the battlefield of her mind. How did she know this? She knew what she had read over and over in God’s Word in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This version of the Scripture is from the NIV (New International Version). The NLT (New Living Translation) reads like this, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” To renew is to change.
So how did this Scripture help Lauren to battle the anxiety? First of all, it was her acknowledging that she did not want to handle this anxiety the way the world would tell her to handle it, which is to numb or escape the feeling with food, drink, drugs, shopping, or whatever the “fix” might be. So often we behave as though these are the cure alls but they aren't. They are simply temporary fixes. The cure all comes in asking God to change our thinking so that God’s thoughts actually become our thoughts, which directly influence our emotions so that they too can be renewed. Lauren also had to ask God to help her not dwell on the past, but to speak truth to what she knew right now, that she and her son are in God’s hands, and He is the Healer who heals his reflux and her anxiety now. It sounds too simple, but that is the simplicity of God when He is in charge of your thought life. Anxiety certainly is not simple, in fact, it is very complex and it will bring you down. Having the mind set of God lifts you up!
I am thankful that God used Psalm 90:5-6 to help me see that the word for this posting was renewed. But I also have to ask myself this question: What was this specific Scripture telling me in light of this word renewed? It tells me man can be compared to the dreams that we dream, or the sleep that we long for, they both will vanish. Like the grass that grows under our feet but withers and dies, so shall we. Our life spans are short, but there are also opportunities for renewal. When I looked up the definition of renew it means to make new, fresh, or strong again. Our life time on this earth is short, and to live it with anxiety is to shorten it even more. If you have a tendency to become anxious, then know that I am interceding on your behalf. I am asking God to help you in this battle by renewing your thinking. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then I am asking God to renew your thoughts about who He is so you can see how your life will be forever renewed through Him!
January 11, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - First
As I contemplated on this being the first month of a New Year, I was amused by the word first as I thought about it from a personal perspective. I am the first of four children. Therefore, I was the first one to attempt new skills and achieve developmental milestones. It explains why I have always had a drive to be first. And because I was the first born, there was an expectation to be the example, the leader, the one to look up to. Consequently, I think it is why I still find myself wanting to be the first at things, like waiting in a line for example. Or I like being the first one to be waited on in a restaurant. I would like to sit in a first class seat on an airplane so I could be treated to the first class service they get up there, but, it is not in my budget. It’s hard to learn humility when you have gotten used to the idea of being first! And even when I get out of bed in the morning and make my way downstairs to the kitchen, it is pretty apparent about what comes first in my life. All I have to do is to look around at the activity that I have been engaged in, and that tells me what I choose to make first.
Who would I say is first in my life? Hands down it would be God. But do I always begin the first part of my day acknowledging Him with my quiet time? To be honest, not always. There are times when my attention is first given to a family member before I give it to God. I can be more concerned about first answering the call to paperwork before I answer the call from God. And despite my weakened moments to not put God first, God continues to put me first. This is so evident in the Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 15:20, “But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest.” How awesome it is to know that God proved He was God by being the First to resurrect Himself from the dead. And just as He raised Himself, you and I are also going to be raised from the dead if we choose to make Him first in our lives.
God is the epitome and the ultimate example of being First. Unlike me who has associated being first with what I expect or am deserving of, God’s perspective has quite a different slant. “Listen to me, O family of Jacob, Israel my chosen one! I alone am God, the First and the Last.” Isaiah 48: 12. God is not demanding. He is simply saying “Listen, you are my family, I chose you. You are on this earth because of my love for you. I am the One who created you! I want you to know that everything in your life begins and ends with Me. There is no other God but Me.” God knows everything because He is the First and the Last, the Past and the Future.
In this New Year, it is my prayer that we all have a deeper desire to put God first. God loves relationship and that is why He wants us to be in relationship with him! One of my favorite songs is called “On Eagle’s Wings.” It is based on Psalm 91 and it is such a great depiction of just how much God truly loves us and wants to care for us.
Who would I say is first in my life? Hands down it would be God. But do I always begin the first part of my day acknowledging Him with my quiet time? To be honest, not always. There are times when my attention is first given to a family member before I give it to God. I can be more concerned about first answering the call to paperwork before I answer the call from God. And despite my weakened moments to not put God first, God continues to put me first. This is so evident in the Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 15:20, “But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest.” How awesome it is to know that God proved He was God by being the First to resurrect Himself from the dead. And just as He raised Himself, you and I are also going to be raised from the dead if we choose to make Him first in our lives.
God is the epitome and the ultimate example of being First. Unlike me who has associated being first with what I expect or am deserving of, God’s perspective has quite a different slant. “Listen to me, O family of Jacob, Israel my chosen one! I alone am God, the First and the Last.” Isaiah 48: 12. God is not demanding. He is simply saying “Listen, you are my family, I chose you. You are on this earth because of my love for you. I am the One who created you! I want you to know that everything in your life begins and ends with Me. There is no other God but Me.” God knows everything because He is the First and the Last, the Past and the Future.
In this New Year, it is my prayer that we all have a deeper desire to put God first. God loves relationship and that is why He wants us to be in relationship with him! One of my favorite songs is called “On Eagle’s Wings.” It is based on Psalm 91 and it is such a great depiction of just how much God truly loves us and wants to care for us.
January 4, 2012
Red Wednesday's Wisdom - One

In 1 Timothy2:5 I am told, “For there is only one God and one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity – the man Jesus Christ.” When I looked up the one word “reconcile”; it meant to reestablish a close relationship between. It then went on to say; to settle or resolve and to bring oneself to accept. As I think about the three kings, I find it intriguing that they have also been referred to as the three wise men. Obviously they paid attention to the signs of the times, as indicated by their following of that one star, but I wonder…. Did they also have an inherent knowledge about God’s Word and the wisdom that comes from that understanding? I ask this question in light of the studying I have done where I found out that the three wise men or magi, most likely came from a priestly cast. So it makes me wonder if they had an innate discernment to humbly recognize that the one king above all kings was Jesus! And I ask it as I reflect on Job 32:8-9, “But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding. It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged, who understand what is right.”
As I think about the three kings coming into the presence of Baby Jesus, I am reminded of that one moment when I too had a personal encounter with the living Jesus. Unlike the three wise men, I did not come into the King’s presence bearing gifts, but I did come with this one attitude – a readiness to surrender my life to Him and to be reconciled or accepted by Him! My personal and heartfelt relationship with God was and is dependent upon my acknowledgement of God the Father’s One and only Son, Jesus Christ!
As we begin the first of a new year, I would ask you to think about this one question. How would your life be forever changed if you decided to come into the presence of Jesus by asking Him to birth Himself inside of you? And if you have already made that one decision to ask Him into your life then I ask you to consider how you are growing by believing that He meets your every need – not one, but all!
May this New Year bless you with a fresh and new understanding to living in the presence of the One and Only Divine King!
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